Technical reports amd other publications, Dr. Victor Miguel Ponce, hydrology, hydrologic engineering


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220. Ponce, V. M. 2010. Comments to the DSEIS, Campo landfill project

219. Ponce, V. M. 2009. Uncommon sense: The sense behind global warming

218. Ponce, V. M. 2009. The science of global warming: Good, bad, or ugly?

217. Ponce, V. M. 2009. Harding's "Tragedy of the Commons" revisited.

216. Ponce, V. M. 2009. Escorrentía sostenible para el balance de sales.

215. Ponce, V. M. 2009. El problema de las sales en la irrigación.

214. Ponce, V. M. 2009. La función natural de los ríos.

213. Ponce, V. M. 2009. El balance de nutrientes bajo el pulso de inundación.

212. Ponce, V. M. 2009. Nutrient balance under flood pulse.

211. Ponce, V. M. 2009. Machiavelli remembered.

210. Ponce, V. M. 2009. The Reynolds number revisited.

209. V. M. Ponce. 2009. Estudio de impacto ambiental del proyecto de control de inundaciones en el río La Leche.

208. V. M. Ponce. 2009. Environmental impact assessment of the La Leche river flood control project.

207. Khoury, F. and V. M. Ponce. 2009. History of the Froude Number.

206. Ponce, V. M. 2009. Intelligent video.

205. Ponce, V. M. 2009. The human experience: A vector-raster roller coaster.

204. Ponce, V. M. 2009. Fauna of the la Leche river basin.

203. Ponce, V. M. 2009. Fauna de la cuenca del río La Leche.

202. Ponce, V. M. 2009. Cascade and convolution: One and the same.

201. Ponce, V. M. 2009. A general dimensionless unit hydrograph.

200. Ponce, V. M. 2009. Sustainable runoff for basin salt balance.

199. Ponce, V. M. 2009. The salt predicament.

198. Ponce, V. M. 2009. The natural function of rivers.

197. Ponce, V. M. 2009. Excerpts from "The Salinity of Rivers" by Arthur F. Pillsbury, with comments.

196. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Q&A on how much groundwater to pump in a sustainable fashion.

195. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Preguntas y respuesta sobre cuánta agua subterránea es posible bombear de una manera sostenible.

194. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Differential equation for DO sag curve.

193. Ponce, V. M. 2008. How did Las Vegas get its name?

192. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Interview on global warming, by Jun Jin.

191. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Interview on global warming, by Lucy Chege.

190. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Will the Amazon rainforest help in taking up excess carbon from the air?

189. Bovolin, V. and V. M. Ponce. 2008. Evolution of sand mining pits in alluvial rivers. borrowpit/evolution.html

188. Ponce, V. M. 2008. The unfossil story: Old time vs new time.

187. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Control de inundaciones en el Río La Leche 3   (Password required)

186. Ponce, V. M. 2008. La Leche river flood control 3   (Password required)

185. Ponce, V. M. and G. F. Player. 2008. Some facts about Sawyer Spring and Ash Creek surface-water/groundwater interactions. Web article. Some facts about Sawyer Spring and Ash Creeh surface-water/groundwater interactions

184. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Preguntas y respuestas sobre el período de retorno a ser usado para diseño.

183. Ponce, V. M. 2008. The Lane relation revisited.

182. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Control de inundaciones en el Río La Leche 2   (Password required)

181. Ponce, V. M. 2008. La Leche river flood control 2   (Password required)

180. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Q&A on the return period to be used for design.

179. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Prólogo del libro "Erosión y Transporte de Sedimentos," de Roberto Alfaro. protected16/prologo_alfaro.html   (Password required)

178. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Comparison between sanitation alternatives.

177. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Comparacion entre varias alternativas de saneamiento.

176. Ponce, V. M. 2008. La Paz drainage 1   (Password required)

175. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Control de inundaciones en el Río La Leche 1   (Password required)

174. Ponce, V. M. 2008. La Leche river flood control 1   (Password required)

173. Ponce, V. M. 2008. Los volcanes de lodo de Tiracoma.

172. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Who owns the groundwater?

171. Ponce, V. M. 2007. ¿Quién es dueño del agua subterránea?

170. Ponce, V. M. 2007. The facts about groundwater sustainability

169. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Rendimiento sostenible del agua subterránea

168. Ponce, V. M. 2007. ¿Qué hacer acerca de los deslizamientos del valle de Vítor?

167. Ponce, V. M. 2007. What to do about the Vitor valley slides?

166. Ponce, V. M. 2007. The Tiracoma mud volcanoes.

165. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Report of the visit to Cuajone mine, October 2007.   (Password required)

164. Ponce, V. M. 2007. The ford-bridge: Sustainable river crossings in arid regions.

163. Ponce, V. M. 2007. The resource dilemma: The settlement of less-than-optimal lands.

162. Ponce, V. M. 2007. A case of drainage: The story of Wellton-Mohawk.

161. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Sustainable irrigation: Can it be done?

160. Ponce, V. M. 2007. The price to pay for agricultural sustainability.

159. Ponce, V. M. 2007. How? What? When? The reason behind global warming.

158. Ponce, V. M. 2007. To drain or not to drain: That is the question.

157. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Hydrological and environmental impact of the irrigations of La Joya and La Cano on the Vitor valley, Arequipa, Peru.

156. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Impacto hidrológico y ambiental de las irrigaciones de La Joya y La Cano en el valle de Vítor, Arequipa, Perú.

155. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Vitor photo gallery.

154. Ponce V. M. 2007. Online time of concentration of small watersheds. Web feature. Online time of concentration

153. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Water Management Plan for the Mashcon and Chonta Basins, Cajamarca: Third Mission Report to the IADB. 23 June 2007.   (Password required)

152. Ponce V. M. 2007. Los 33 hechos sobre el calentamiento global. Web feature. Los 33 hechos sobre el calentamiento global

151. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Sustainable yield of ground water. Web feature.

150. Ponce, V. M. 2007. The global warming puzzle: How many people does one car amount to? Web feature.

149. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Water Management Plan for the Mashcon and Chonta Basins, Cajamarca: Second Mission Report to the IADB. 13 March 2007.   (Password required)

148. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Comments on the County of San Diego's "Guidelines for Determining Significance and Report Format and Content Requirements--Groundwater Resources," January 25, 2007.   (Password required)

147. Ponce, V. M. 2006. Water Management Plan for the Mashcon and Chonta Basins, Cajamarca: First Mission Report to the IADB. 04 November 2006.   (Password required)

146. Ponce, V. M. 2006. Report of the visit to Cuajone mine, 17-18 August 2006.   (Password required)

145. Ponce, V. M. 2006. Dam-breach flood wave propagation using dimensionless parameters. Web presentation.

144. Ponce, V. M. 2006. Flood hydraulics of Tecate Creek, Tecate, Baja California, Mexico. Web report.

143. Ponce, V. M. 2006. Guyana Coastal Flood Protection Program: Mission Report to the IADB. 15 June 2006.   (Password required)

142. Ponce, V. M. 2006. Impact of the proposed Campo landfill of the hydrology of the Tierra del Sol watershed. Webpublished.

141. Ponce, V. M. 2006. Guyana Coastal Flood Protection Program: Mission Report to the IADB. 20 March 2006.   (Password required)

140. Ponce, V. M. 2006. Groundwater utilization and sustainability. Web feature.

139. Ponce, V. M. 2005. The Salton Sea: An assessment. Web feature.

138. Chin, D. A., J. A. Dracup, N. L. Jones, V. M. Ponce, R. W. Schaffranek, and R. Therrien. 2005. Peer Review of the Regional Simulation Model (RSM), prepared for the South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, Florida, Final Report (050723). SFWMD_Final_Report.pdf

137. Ponce, V. M. A brief history of Campo valley hydrology. 2005. Web feature.

136. Ponce, V. M. Notas de mi conversación con Vic Mockus. 2005. Web feature (In Spanish).

135. Ponce, V. M. La Tragedia de los Comunes. 2005. Web feature (In Spanish).

134. Ponce, V. M. Hitos de la hidrología. 2005. Web feature (In Spanish).

133. Ponce, V. M. Facetas de la hidrología. 2005. Web feature (In Spanish).

132. Ponce, V. M., H. A. Castro Garcia, A. E. Espinoza Lopez, R. Celis Medina, and F. Perez Martinez. 2005. Flood hydrology of Tecate Creek, Tecate, Baja California, Mexico.

131. Ponce V. M., H. A. Castro Garcia, A. E. Espinoza Lopez, R. Celis Medina, and F. Perez Martinez 2005. Régimen de avenidas máximas del Arroyo Tecate, Tecate, Baja California, México.

130. Ponce V. M. y F. Perez. 2004. Un grupo de cinco métodos para calcular evapotranspiración en línea.

129. Ponce V. M. 2005. A browser-safe web color palette.

128. Ponce V. M., A. E. Espinoza, P. Magdaleno, A. Castro, and R. Celis. 2004. Arquitectura sustentable del Arroyo Alamar, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.

127. Ponce V. M., A. E. Espinoza, P. Magdaleno, A. Castro, and R. Celis. 2004. Sustainable architecture of Arroyo Alamar, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.

126. Ponce, V. M. 2001. CSS Primer. Web feature.

125. Ponce V. M. 2004. Factibilidad de bombeo para proveer agua al Río Parque Tecate.

124. Ponce V. M. 2004. Feasibility of pumping scheme to provide water for the Tecate River Park.

123. Ponce V. M. 2004. Historical hydrology. Theme web portal. Historical hydrology.

122. Espinoza, A. E., P. Magdaleno, and V. M. Ponce. 2004. Arquitectura fluvial sustentable en el Arroyo Alamar, Tijuana, Baja California, México. Web article.

121. Elmore, W. and V. M. Ponce. 2004. The story of Oregon's Bear Creek. The story of Oregon's Bear Creek.

120. Ponce V. M. 2004. Severance Reservoir: 15-yr assessment Severance Reservoir: 15-yr assessment.

119. Ponce V. M. 2004. Camp Creek: 15-yr assessment Camp Creek: 15-yr assessment.

118. Ponce V. M. and F. Perez. 2004. Camp Creek Pictorial (2004) Camp Creek Pictorial (2004)

117. Ponce V. M., A. E. Espinoza, P. Magdaleno, E. Rodriguez, E. Castro, R. Celis, A. Castro, and F. Perez. 2004. Sustainable Architecture of Arroyo Alamar: Virtual Camera. alamar_sustainable_architectural_virtual_camera.html

116. Ponce V. M., A. E. Espinoza, P. Magdaleno, E. Rodriguez, E. Castro, R. Celis, A. Castro, and F. Perez. 2004. Sustainable Architecture of Arroyo Alamar: Movies. alamar_sustainable_architectural_movies.html

115. Ponce V. M., A. E. Espinoza, P. Magdaleno, E. Rodriguez, E. Castro, R. Celis, A. Castro, and F. Perez. 2004. Sustainable Architecture of Arroyo Alamar: Perspectives. alamar_sustainable_architectural_perspectives.html

114. Ponce V. M., A. E. Espinoza, J. Delgadillo, A. Castro, and R. Celis. 2004. Hydroecological characterization of Arroyo Alamar alamar_hydroecology_final_report.html

113. Ponce V. M., A. E. Espinoza, P. Magdaleno, E. Rodriguez, R. Celis, A. Castro, and F. Perez. 2004. Sustainable Architecture of Arroyo Alamar: Mobile Design. alamar_sustainable_architectural_mobile_design.html

112. Ponce V. M., A. E. Espinoza, P. Magdaleno, E. Rodriguez, R. Celis, A. Castro, and F. Perez. 2004. Sustainable Architecture of Arroyo Alamar: Design View. alamar_sustainable_architecture_design_view.html

111. Ponce V. M., A. E. Espinoza, P. Magdaleno, E. Rodriguez, R. Celis, A. Castro, and F. Perez. 2004. Arquitectura Sustentable del Arroyo Alamar: Vista del Diseño. alamar_arquitectura_sustentable_diseno.html

110. Espinoza, A. E., P. Magdaleno, and V. M. Ponce, 2004. Arquitectura fluvial sustentable en los ríos Santa Catarina y La Silla, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. Web article.

109. Ponce, V. M. and A. V. Shetty. 2004. El Fenómeno de El Niño. (Translation: F. Pérez). Web article.

108. Ramadan, H. and V. M. Ponce. 2004. Design and performance of waste stabilization ponds. Web article.

107. Ponce V. M. 2003. GOOGLE Primer. Web feature.

106. LaNeave, C. and V. M. Ponce. 2003. The facts about dry ecological latrines. Web article.

105. Ponce, V. M. 2003. Website of

104. Ponce, V. M. 2003. Sustainable management of water in the Ojos Negros valley, Baja California, Mexico. In The U.S.-Mexican border environment: Overcoming vulnerability: The Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy's research program (1990-2002) and future agenda, K. David Pijawka, P. Ganster, and R. Van Schoik, eds., SCERP Monograph No. 5, San Diego, California.

103. Ponce, V. M. 2003. Dry ecological latrines. Web feature.

102. Ponce, V. M., and A. Koch. 2003. Design velocities for vegetated and gabion-lined channels. Web feature.

101. Ponce, V. M. 2003. The facts about global warming. Web feature.

100. Ponce, V. M. 2003. The global warming predicament. Web feature. global_warming_predicament.html

99. Ponce V. M., et al. (The Ojos Negros Research Group). 2003. Three issues of sustainable management in the Ojos Negros valley, Baja California, Mexico. Final report to funding agency.

98. Ponce V. M. 2003. Perpetual Calendar.

97. Ponce V. M. and A. V. Shetty. 2002. Environmental impact of dams. Web article.

96. Ponce V. M., et al. (El grupo de investigación Ojos Negros). 2002. Tres problemas de desarrollo sustentable en el valle de Ojos Negros, Baja California, Mexico. Reporte en la red.

95. Ponce V. M., et al. (The Ojos Negros Research Group). 2002. Three issues of sustainable management in the Ojos Negros valley, Baja California, Mexico. Web report.

94. Ponce, V. M., and J. P. Nogués. 2002. The Paraguayan Chaco and its hydrology. Web article.

93. Ponce, V. M., and J. P. Nogués. 2002. Manning's n for hydroecological channels with gabion systems. Web article.

92. Ponce, V. M., A. V. Shetty, and J. P. Nogués. 2002. Manning's n Pictorial for Natural Channels and Flood Plains. Website with 15 documented photos of USGS Water Supply Paper No. 2339, 1989.

91. Ponce, V. M., et al. 2002. Manejo sustentable del agua en el valle de Ojos Negros, Baja California, Mexico: Resumen. Webpublished.

90. Ponce, V. M., A. T. Shamsi, and A. V. Shetty. 2002. Case studies of dam-breach geometry and hydraulics. Webpublished.

89. Ponce, V. M., et al. 2002. Sustainable management of water in the Ojos Negros valley, Baja California, Mexico. Webpublished.

88. Ponce, V. M., et al. 2002. Manejo sustentable del agua en el valle de Ojos Negros, Baja California, Mexico. Webpublished.

87. Shetty, A. V., A. Taher-Shamsi, V. M. Ponce, and R. Garcia-Cueto. 2002. Drought characterization in the Ojos Negros region, Baja California, Mexico. Webpublished.

86. Ponce, V. M. Milestones of hydrology. 2002. Web feature.

85. Ponce, V. M., A. Lohani, and A. V. Shetty. 2002. New perspective on water-surface profiles using critical slope. Web paper.

84. Ponce, V. M. 2001. Oxidation pond design. Web feature.

83. Ponce, V. M., and A. V. Shetty. 2001. The facts about El Niño. Web article.

82. Ponce, V. M. 2001. Hidrologia de avenidas del Arroyo Binacional Cottonwood - Alamar, California y Baja California. Website.

81. Ponce, V. M. 2001. Flood hydrology of the Binational Cottonwood Creek - Arroyo Alamar, California and Baja California. Website.

80. Ponce, V. M., S. Kumar, and S. Ercan. 2001. Estimation of regional aquifer parameters using baseflow recession data. Webpublished.

79. Ponce, V. M., A. V. Shetty, and V. Atondo. 2001. Modeling salinity balance in proposed Salton Sea restoration using a diked impoundment. Webpublished.

78. Ponce, V. M., A. V. Shetty, and S. Ercan. 2001. A convergent explicit groundwater model. Webpublished.

77. Ponce, V. M. 2001. Website with 9 online computer programs in hydrology and hydraulics.

76. Ponce, V. M., and the Late A. B. Palaniappan. 2001. Facets of Hydrology. Website listing 85 types of hydrology.

75. Ponce, V. M., A. V. Shetty, and S. Ercan. 2001. Manning's n Pictorial. Website with 100 documented photos of USGS Water Supply Paper No. 1849, 1969.

74. Ponce, V. M. 2001. Flood hydrology of the Binational Cottonwood Creek - Arroyo Alamar, California and Baja California. Web Report.

73. Ponce, V. M. 2001. Hidrologia de avenidas del Arroyo Binacional Cottonwood - Alamar, California y Baja California. Reporte Web.

72. Ponce, V. M. 2001. Cleanup of the Tlaxiaco River, Oaxaca, Mexico: Report of the visit of January 2001.

71. Ponce, V. M. 2001. UNIX Primer. Web feature.

70. Ponce, V. M. 2001. HTML Primer. Web feature.

69. Ponce, V. M. 2000. Analysis and documentation of the desertification process in the Ojos Negros valley, Baja California, Mexico. Final Report to Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy (SCERP), August, 9 p.

68. Ponce, V. M., W. Zuñiga, R. Venegas, T. Gaona, R. García, J. Sepúlveda, and G. Aramburo. 2000. Valle de Ojos Negros: Resumen Interdisciplinario. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Facultad de Arquitectura, Mexicali, Baja California, México, March, 40 p.

67. Ponce, V. M. 1998. Review of ``Systems Analysis Seligman Subdivision Bridge No. 503.1-505.9, Final Report, HDR Engineering Inc., January 1998,'' 4 p.

66. Ponce, V. M. 1995. Hydrologic and environmental impact of the Parana-Paraguay Waterway on the Pantanal of Mato Grosso. San Diego State University, report prepared for the C. S. Mott Foundation, 140 p.

65. Ponce, V. M. 1995. Impacto hidrologico e ambiental da Hidrovia Parana-Paraguai no Pantanal Matogrossense. San Diego State University, report prepared for the C. S. Mott Foundation, in Portuguese, 144 p.

64. Ponce, V. M. 1994. Report of visit to National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India, and NIH Ganga Plains Regional Centre/Patna, by UNDP Project Consultant.

63. Ponce, V. M. 1994. Critique of "An analysis of flooding in the Parana-Paraguay River Basin," by R. J. Anderson Jr., N. da F. R. dos Santos, and H. F. Diaz, LATEN Dissemination Note No. 5, The World Bank, Washington, D. C. Report prepared for the Environmental Defense Fund, Oakland Office.

62. Ponce, V. M. 1993. Informe de la visita al Arroyo Aguaje de la Tuna, Tijuana, Mexico, 17 de Abril de 1993, prepared for Gabilondo, Calette, and Cubillas Neighborhood Committee, Tijuana, Mexico, 4 p.

61. Ponce, V. M., and W. Zuniga. 1993. Las avenidas extraordinarias de Enero-Febrero 1993 en el Valle de Ojos Negros, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, Mayo, 1993, 9 p.

60. Ponce, V. M. 1992. Frecuencia de avenidas. Curso de Ingenieria Fluvial, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, June 22-26, 1992, Madrid, Spain.

59. Ponce, V. M. 1992. Hidrogramas sinteticos. Curso de Ingenieria Fluvial, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, June 22-26, 1992, Madrid, Spain.

58. Ponce, V. M. 1992. Modelos fluviales de lecho movil. Curso de Ingenieria Fluvial, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, June 22-26, 1992, Madrid, Spain.

57. Ponce, V. M. 1992. Report of visit to National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India, and NIH Hard Rock Regional Centre/Belgaum, by UNDP Project Consultant.

56. Ponce, V., M., with A.I.C. Progetti, S.p.A., 1991. Programa de proteccion contra las inundaciones. Plan directivo de la cuenca del Rio Pirai, Anexo VI: Estudio de hidrosedimentologia, June, Rome, Italy, 170 p.

55. Ponce, V. M. 1990. Estudio de geomorfologia y transporte de sedimentos- Informe de la segunda visita. Estudio del plan directivo de acondicionamiento de la cuenca hidrografica del Rio Pirai, Comision de la Comunidad Economica Europea, Republica de Bolivia, Prog. SEARPI-CEE, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Jan., 147 p.

54. Ponce, V. M., 1990. Baseflow augmentation by streambank storage- Preliminary feasibility study, prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Department of Research and Development, San Ramon, Calif., Nov., 22 p.

53. Ponce, V. M. 1989. Engineering hydrology, Principles and Practices. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

52. Ponce, V. M. 1989. Solution manual to Engineering Hydrology, Principles and Practices, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

51. Ponce, V. M. 1989. Diffusion wave overland flow module, report prepared for U. S. Geological Survey Water Resources Div., Stennis Space Center, Miss., Jun., 23 p.

50. Ponce, V. M. 1989. Estudio de geomorfologia y transporte de sedimentos- Informe de la primera visita, Estudio del plan directivo de acondicionamiento de la cuenca hidrografica del Rio Pirai, Comision de la Comunidad Economica Europea, Republica de Bolivia, Prog. SEARPI-CEE, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, July, 160 p.

49. Ponce, V. M. 1989. Baseflow augmentation by streambank storage-Literature review and annotated bibliography, prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Department of Research and Development, San Ramon, Calif., Aug., 91 p.

48. Ponce, V. M. 1989. Baseflow augmentation by streambank storage, Report No. 009-4.89.13, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Dept. of Research and Development, San Ramon, Calif., Aug., 91 p.

47. Onishi, Y., W. Edinger, and V. M. Ponce. 1987. Hydrodynamics, Chapter 4 in a state-of-the-art book in modeling water quality and quantity, sponsored by the Energy Division, ASCE.

46. Ponce, V. M. and H. H. Chang. 1987. Workbook for seminar entitled ``Hydrology of flood control," May 27-28, San Diego, Calif., 730 p.

45. Ponce, V. M. 1986. Computer model of supply and demand of water in the San Francisco River Basin, PLANVASF Project, Report of the First Phase, March 24 to April 4, for PLANVASF, Brasilia, Brazil, 10 pages plus appendix (in Spanish).

44. Ponce, V. M. 1986. Workbook for Seminar entitled ``Hydrology of Flood Control,'' May 28-29, San Diego, Calif., 334 p.

43. Ponce, V. M. 1986. Computer model of supply and demand of water in the San Francisco River Basin, PLANVASF Project, Report of the Second Phase, June 23 to August 22, for PLANVASF, Brasilia, Brazil, 30 pages plus appendix (in Spanish).

42. Ponce, V. M. 1986. PLANVASF1: User's Manual, for PLANVASF, Brasilia, Brazil, Aug., 31 p. (in Portuguese).

41. Ponce, V. M. 1985. Hydrologic study of Moosa Canyon Creek, San Diego County, California, prepared for Jordan Architects, Irvine, Calif., Feb., 5 p.

40. Ponce, V. M. 1984. Digital simulation of hydrologic systems, San Diego State University Civil Engineering Series No. 84141, Jan., 10 p.

39. Ponce, V. M. 1984. Hydrologic evaluation of Santa Cruz Basin, Arizona, Technical report prepared for Pima County Department of Transportation and Flood Control District, Tucson, Ariz., Oct., 235 p.

38. Chang, H. H., V. M. Ponce, J. Hill, V. A. Vanoni, and L. Lane. 1984. Lecture Notes for Short Course entitled Applied Sedimentation and River Engineering, San Diego State University, Jan. 15-18.

37. Ponce, V. M. and P. B. Gomez. 1983. Effect of earthquake loading on earth dam cracking and failure, San Diego State University Civil Engineering Series No. 83141, Feb., 70 p.

36. Ponce, V. M. 1983. Computer graphics capabilities at the SDSU Hydrologic Research Laboratory, San Diego State University Civil Engineering Series No. 83145, July, 42 p.

35. Ponce, V. M. 1983. Accuracy of physically based coefficient methods of flood routing, San Diego State University Civil Engineering Series No. 83150, Aug., 105 p.

34. Chang, H. H., V. M. Ponce, J. Hill, V. A. Vanoni, and E. Flaxman. 1982. Lecture Notes for Short Course entitled ``Applied Sedimentation and River Engineering'', San Diego State University, Jan. 12-15.

33. Ponce, V. M. 1982. Survey of methodologies for dam-breach analysis, San Diego State University Civil Engineering Series No. 81148, Jan.

32. Ponce, V. M. 1982. User's guide to System 5: Computation of design hydrograph by SCS runoff curve number method, San Diego State University Civil Engineering Series No. 82148, Aug, 8 p.

31. Ponce, V. M. 1982. Documented cases of earth dam breaches. Research Report, San Diego State University Civil Engineering Series No. 82149, Aug., 44 p.

30. Ponce, V. M. 1982. A diffusion wave model for routing unsteady streamflows with downstream boundary control. San Diego State University Civil Engineering Series No. 82150, Nov., 70 p.

29. Ponce, V. M. 1982. The equilibrium shape of self-formed channels in noncohesive alluvium: The Lane et. al. theory revisited. San Diego State University Civil Engineering Series No. 82151, Dec., 26 p.

28. Ponce, V. M. 1981. User's manual for program EUREKA. San Diego State University Civil Engineering Series No. 81140, Aug.

27. Ponce, V. M. 1981. DYNA and MUSK: Computer programs for unsteady flow in open channels. San Diego State University Civil Engineering Series No. 81141, Aug.

26. Ponce, V. M. 1981. Development of an algorithm for the linearized diffusion method of flood routing. Research Report, San Diego State Univ. Civil Engineering Series No. 81144, Sept., 87 p.

25. Morawski, T. E., V. M. Ponce, Y. H. Chen, and D. B. Simons. 1980. Sediment transport at low concentrations in pipes. Volume II: Theory and design of irrigation pipelines to minimize sediment deposition. Report CER79-80TEM-VMP- YHC-DBS54, Civil Engineering Department, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., June.

24. Ponce, V. M. and S. Yabusaki. 1980. Mathematical modeling of circulation in two-dimensional plane flow. Report CER79-80VMP-SBY59, Civil Engineering Department, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., June.

23. Ponce, V. M. 1980. Computer programs for unsteady flow in open channels. Report CER79-80VMP60, Civil Engineering Department, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., June.

22. Ponce, V. M. 1980. Kinematic, dynamic and inertial Waves, in Unsteady Flow in Open Channels Course Manual, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., June.

21. Ponce, V. M. 1980. Overview of flood routing methods, in Unsteady Flow in Open Channels Course Manual, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., June.

20. Ponce, V. M. 1980. Stream channel routing, in Unsteady Flow in Open Channels Course Manual, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., June.

19. Ponce, V. M. 1980. The Muskingum-Cunge method, in Unsteady Flow in Open Channels Course Manual, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., June.

18. Ponce, V. M. 1980. Properties of numerical solutions, in Unsteady Flow in Open Channels Course Manual, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., June.

17. Ponce, V. M. 1980. Choice of models in engineering practice, in Unsteady Flow in Open Channels Course Manual, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., June.

16. Simons, D. B., R. M. Li, N. Doung, N. Kouwen, V. M. Ponce, E. V. Richardson, K. Schneider, S. A. Schumnn, and R. K. Simons. 1980. Training manual, Watershed and stream mechanics, USDA Soil Conservation Service, Research Institute of Colorado, Mar.

15. Simons, D. B., Y. H. Chen, and V. M. Ponce. 1979. Development of a two-dimensional water and sediment routing model and its application to study Lower Pool 4 in the Upper Mississippi River System, Volume I. Model development and calibration. Report CER78-79DBS-YHC-VMP48, Civ. Engrg. Dept., Colo. State Univ., Ft. Collins, Colo., June.

14. Simons, D. B., Y.H. Chen, and V. M. Ponce. 1979. Development of a two-dimensional water and sediment routing model and its application to study Lower Pool 4 in the Upper Mississippi River System, Volume II. Model Application. Report CER79-80DBS- YHC-VMP22, Civ. Engrg. Dept., Colo. State Univ., Ft. Collins, Colo., Nov.

13. Ponce, V. M. and R. M. Li. 1979. Overview of flood routing methods. Chapter 6, Analysis of Watersheds and River Systems, Colo. State Univ., Ft. Collins, Colo. May.

12. Ponce, V. M., Y. H. Chen, D. B. Simons, and T. E. Morawski. 1979. Sediment transport at low concentrations in pipes, Volume I: Literature review, selected abstracts and bibliography. Report CER769080VMP-YHC-DBS-TEM34, Civ. Engrg. Dept., Colo.State Univ., Ft. Collins, Colo., Dec.

11. Ponce, V. M. 1979. Integrated development study of the Upper Paraguay River Basin, Reservoir Regulation Study-Headwater Sub-basins and Pantanal Basin. Report by Hydrotechnic Corporation to the Organization of American States, June, 47 pp. plus appendices.

10. Simons, D. B., R. M. Li, G. O. Brown, Y. H. Chen, T. J. Ward, N. Duong, and V. M. Ponce. 1978. Sedimentation study of the Yazoo Basin, Phase I General Report. Report CER77-78-DBS-RML-GOB-YHC-TJW-ND-VMP48, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., Nov.

9. Simons, D. B., R. M. Li, V. M. Ponce, et al. 1978. Literature review on effectiveness of vegetation buffer strip. Civil Engineering Department. Report, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., Nov.

8. Simons, B. D., V. M. Ponce, R. M. Li, Y. H. Chen, J. Gessler, T. J. Ward, and N. Duong. 1977. Flood Flows, Stages and Damages. Report CER77-78DBS-VMP-RML-YHC-JG-TJW-ND9, Engineering Research Center, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., Nov.

7. Ponce, V. M. 1976. Boundary-flow interaction in straight alluvial channels. Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil Engineering Department, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., Aug.

6. Ponce, V. M., J. Lopez-Garcia, and D. B. Simons. 1976. MODEIN2 and COLBY: Computer codes for sediment transport computations. Report CER76-77VMP-JL-DBS19, Engineering Research Center, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., Nov.

5. Mahmood, K., and V. M. Ponce. 1976. Mathematical modeling of sedimentation transients in sand-bed channels. Report CER75-76KM-VMP28, Engineering Research Center, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., Aug.

4. Mahmood, K., V. M. Ponce, and E. V. Richardson. 1976. Erosion and sedimentation in strip mining operations. CER75-76KM-VMP-EVR30, Engineering Research Center, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., May.

3. Mahmood, K. and V. M. Ponce. 1975. Computer programs for sediment transport, documentation and listing. Report CER75-76KM-VMP2, Engineering Research Center, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., Aug.

2. Ponce, V. M. 1970. Shear strength characteristics of clean quartz sand measured in drained triaxial compression under extremely low pressures. M.S. Thesis, Civil Engineering Department, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo, Mar.

1. Ponce, V. M., and J. Torres. 1968. Anteproyecto de Rehabilitación del Valle de Camaná. Tesis de Grado, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Facultad de Ingeniería Civil, Lima, Perú.

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