onlinegwmodel.php:   Convergent explicit groundwater model

The four types of groundwater modeling.

Model Description                      Sample Input                      Sample Output                       Reference


Types of Model:   

[Leave blank to specify default model as Type A]

Space interval ds [m] :    


[Leave blank to specify default value ds = 100 m.]

Number of grid intervals (x or y) nz :    


[Leave blank to specify default value nz = 100.]

Percolation from rainfall R [mm/year] :    


[Leave blank to specify default value R = 0 mm/year.]

Percolation from irrigation I [mm/year] :    


[Leave blank to specify default value I = 0 mm/year.]

Left location indicator for percolation from irrigation irrleft :    


[Leave blank to specify default value irrleft = 25.]

Right location indicator for percolation from irrigation irrright :    


[Leave blank to specify default value irrright = 75.]

Transmissivity T [m2/s] :    


[Leave blank to specify default value T = 0.01 m2/s.]

Specific yield S :    


[Leave blank to specify default value S = 0.1.]

Reference aquifer elevation href [m]: 


[Leave blank to specify default value href = 500 m.]

Simulation time dt [years]: 


[Leave blank to specify default value dt = 20 years.]

Printing interval tpd [days]: 


[Leave blank to specify default value tpd = 30.4375 days (1 effective month).]

For model type A and C:

Left location indicator for reference depletion locleft


[Leave blank to specify default value locleft = 25.]

Right location indicator for reference depletion locright


[Leave blank to specify default value locright = 75.]

Reference depletion elevation hdref [m]: 


[Leave blank to specify default value hdref = 400 m.]

For model type B and D:

Pumping rate P [L/s] :    


[Leave blank to specify default value P = 250 L/s.]


Time step n = 0            Time = 0 (year 0)
Grid point in the Y-directionGrid point in the X-direction


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