Hydrologic computations [091020]
[1779.61] 1. Creager formula
[1779.62] 2. Rational method
[1779.71] 3. Linear reservoir
[1779.74] 4. Muskingum routing
[1779.75] 5. Muskingum-Cunge routing
[1779.76] 6. Time-area method of watershed routing (isochrones)
[1779.78] 7. Cascade of linear reservoirs basin routing
[1779.92] 8. Penman evapotranspiration
[1779.101] 9. Gumbel flood frequency
[1779.111] 10. Flood hydrograph by convolution
[1779.117] 11. Dimensionless unit hydrographs by the cascade of linear reservoirs
[1779.152] 12. Dissolved oxygen sag analysis