Number Name Description Well
1 Robert Myers

18028 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064


20120303 09:00
  • He lived in the neighborhood since 1981; his property is 2.5 acres
  • There is one well on the property
  • The property was bought in 1978; and a well was drilled
  • Original well was 400ft deep
  • On Decmeber 11th, 2010 the well was deepened to 800ft
  • Static level is @ 272 ft
  • Pump is @ 575 ft; water is delivered to a storage tank (7,500 gal)
  • 1981 Q=12gal/min
    2010 Q=1 gal/min
    2012 Q=25 gal/min
  • Pumps 3 hr/day
  • 1980 the well was flowing under artesian conditions for 4 months, because of high precipitiation
  • The ground water has ~800ppm of solids
  • There are about 151 trees on the property: 14 citrus trees, 125 grapes, 12 others
  • The water is pumped regularly to fill up the storage tank; he uses two pressure pumps for the house
  • The water is potable; has a metallic taste.
  • The water is too salty - avocados cannot be grown
  • The static evel for the original well was @ 15ft
  • He claims that the water on the other side of the valley is saltier (his neighbor who payed for chemical analysis told him)
  • In 1990 there was a water board meeting - the wells in the area are drying out
  • In 2009 the level of water was extremly low, due to a an extensive pumping by Maderas (for testing purposes); the well depth was 273 in that year
  • In 1996 due to a test well drilling (well #6), bubbles appeared in the potable water
  • After he dippened the well, the content of iron in water increased shurply. A lot of red stains are detected on the house appliences
  • 478ft right now @ pump
  • 258dft statis level
  • 807ft well depth
  • pump is @ 478ft
  • static level has risen 80ft after the deepening of the well
  • 20120303 9:37 the water level was 269.2 ft (a slight increase due to the recent rain event)
  • The water level is measured every week. The information on water levels is available.
  • There is a 3 microne filter in place for capturing sediments.
33 o 2' 10.4"
117 o 1' 2.8"
2 Jerry Gill

18047 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064


20120303 09:55
  • Lives in the neighborhood since 1979
  • Todays depth at well is 300 ft
  • This morning at 8:am he measured the water level to be 297.9ft.
  • At 9:55am the level was 298.8. He lost 1ft of water in 2 hours.
  • Thw well in his property was put together ~1976-77. when he bought the property in 1979 the well was already operating there.
  • Origina pump was 250ft deep. The pump was @240ft.
  • In 1995 the well was deepened to 612ft.
  • The water from the well is potable.
  • He has the city water, and the well water. He uses the well wter for irrigation, and the city water for drinking.
  • He pays around 80$/2 months for the city water (3 people in the household)
  • The well is 6" in diameter
  • The rates were: 6 gal/min originally; 2 gal/min before the deepening; 30gal/min after the deepening;
  • The new pump is @ 370ft; the static level is 300ft
  • He complains that if the water level goes down, he will have to buy new equipment.
  • He irrigates the trees: 62 citrus trees; 11 avocado trees; several oranges, lemons, peaches, and plums
  • It seams that there is less available water on the northern side of the valley. There is a great variability. The south side has more abundance of water, and the nothern side has less.
  • Salinity issue: Mr.Mayers might not know how to grow avocados. Water qulity shouldn't make a difference for avocados. There is more to it.
  • No apperant problems of salinity at this time.
  • Avocados like 100ppm or less of solids in water. If salts accumulate, than avocado leaves start to burn.
  • Laste year there was a lot of rain, so salts were leached out from the soil, and this year we have a record growth of avocados.
  • Price of avocado varies with precipitation. The more precipitation, the less is the price.(per Frank Vaplon)
33 o 2' 6.1"
117 o 1' 4.5"
3 Frank Vaplon

18055 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064


20120303 10:38
  • Originall well on his property was built in 1975. Depth=280ft, static level was 270ft.
  • This well was clogged later, because he drove the well himself, and equipment was lost.
  • He run out of water in August 2010.
  • He redrilled the well in 2010 to 610 ft. Static levle is at 278.7ft. The diameter is 6.5"
  • Now it delivers 34.5 gal/min
  • He uses a tank to store the water.
  • No city water is on the property.
  • If the previou well would not be deepened, he wouldn't have any water.
  • The new well cost him ~20,000$ (out of pocket expenses)
33 o 2' 8.6"
117 o 0' 59.7"
4 Tom Carter

14850 Valley View Road
Poway, CA 92064


20120303 11:00
  • Live in the neighborhood since 2000
  • In 2007 due to fires in the area his house was butnet, with an exception of the small pool house. He rebuilt his house since.
  • He is totally dependent on the groundwater
  • He has about 15 fruit trees on the property
  • The original well was 900 ft deep
  • After five years of use he had to deepen his well in 2006 to 1200 ft
  • The cost of the well was around $20.000
  • Well static levels:
    in 2000 ~700 ft
    in 2007 ~800 ft
  • He was not affected by the 2009 well testing by Maderas
  • A house on the hill did a lot of hydro improvements, and this caused problems with runoff and sediment transport to his neighboor's property
  • If his current setup doesn't work he will seriously think of hooking up to the city water, which will cost him about $20.000
  • He has solar panels at home
  • He used to pay $450/month per electricity
  • Now he pays $200/year for electricity
  • If he runs out of water he dies
  • He doesn't mind if Maderas use some groundwater, but he needs to have a base flow
  • Thompson Creek was running for 5 months last year, it replenishes groundwater in the vicinity
33 o 2' 13.4"
117 o 0' 34.4"
5 Nanette Wier

14960 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064


20120303 13:40
  • The family was living in the neighborhood for around 30 years
  • They use only groundwater. They don't have city water
  • They have one well
  • They drilled the first well in 1990, when they moved here. They installed a water tank
  • 2002 the same well was deepened
  • In 2008 after the fires they had to install a new larger water tank
  • Some crap comes out of the bathroom. It looks like small rock particles
  • If they don't have a well, they are done!
  • They use the same water for irrigation and for drinking.
  • They have about 40 trees (peach, grapefruit, avocado)
  • The water tastes bad. They use a softener.
  • If she doesn't have a well water she will not be able to afford this place
  • It will cost around $35.000 for bringing the city water, and ~$3.000/ month for pumping it here, since her house is on the hill
  • Water is a life issue
  • We don't have any other way! It is crazy!
  • Their family are polish immigrants, they built this house and they want to keep it in the family
  • She lives with her mother and a sun. Her mother is 84 years old. His father died recently, and he asked his daughter to keep the house in the family
  • Every week there is a measure of wells. 11 ft was a drop in water for 2 months period (Januaty and February), and it is a recharge time of the year.Frank Vaplon measure the water level in the wells
  • Sediment in the water is due to cracks, and it is dameging to the machinery (laundary)
  • She worries evry single day. It has been like this for three years now.
  • Law of the land- individual owners have priority over businesses
33 o 2' 33.4"
117 o 0' 19.7"
6 Jessica and Justin Owens

182010 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064


20120303 14:30
  • Jessica is Pam's and Tom's daughter. Justin is her husband.
  • They have been living here for two years
  • Originally there were 3 wells in the neighborhood
  • Well A is very old, it was hand dug. In the past water was near the surface ~20 ft deep (an indication that there were a lot of water in the past)
  • They don't have a city water. They are not connected to the grid.
  • The well can not be measured, it was not set up for that.
  • There is no history of the well, no numbers, no information.
  • So far there have not been any problems. They have water.
  • Well C is non operational. It is abandoned.

    33 o 2' 9.9"
    117 o 0' 44.4"

  • They have two 5.000 gal tanks
  • They are concerned about the future, but no problems at this moment. However, she really doesn't know the numbers
  • The water situation is chancy, beacuse of the fractured rock aquifer
  • She likes it here, and she wants to stay here
33 o 2' 9.1"
117 o 0' 46.1"
7 Jim Kennedy

14755 Valley View Road
Poway, CA 92064


2012030 09:05
  • He bought this property in 1996
  • There are two (2) well on the property
  • First well was drilled in 1996
  • Second well was drilled in 2000
  • The wells are 6" diameter and down become 4"
  • He pumps right now ~15gal/min. The wells are 1000 ft deep, and the pumps are @ 800 ft
  • When they were drilling they didn't hit water until 600 ft
  • He doesn't measure the wells
  • He has two 5.000 gal tanks to store the water
  • He hasn't have any problems with water so far.
  • He has an old stone reservoir, built in 1920's. It was used for irrigation (V=250,000 gal). In 2007 fire burnet all the irrigation pipes, and this reservoir is not used anymore. He fills it only a little at the bottom.
  • He has a big law suit with his neighboors at the top (for 4 years now).
  • 10 lots were built up there. Only one house built. This development created a lot of drainage problems.
  • His property was filled with silt.
  • The above mentioned development has an access road to it. They have curb, gutter, and brow ditch there. Water doesn't percolate and brings a lot of sediment.
  • Construction started in april 2007, his pond was filled with silt in February 2008.
  • There are 2 sides of the hill which drain to his property. One is clear water, and another is muddy
  • He has his own theory about the situation with Maderas:

    Nobody knows about the groundwater. Predicament- water in lake Poway gives water to the neighborhood. Lake Poway is leaking, the theory is that the bottom of the lake is very rocky. City of Poway can do a water balance. Water around here is redirected into the creek direcylt, no seepage happens, beacuase it is redirected (concrete, asphalt, and small hydraulic structures)
  • He doesn't have a connection to the city water. He relyes completly on the groundwater
  • He tested the quality of water. It is good. He installed a filter in the house, because it is just what he wanted to do
  • They have a few fruit trees ~10 trees.
  • They have 300 trees. And they don't irrigate them.
  • His property is 23 acres.
  • He has a lot of oil trees. He makes olive iol.
  • He doesn't want to live, but he thinks that he will leave to Connecticut in around 5 years. He wants to wait and see what happens
  • He has a spring in his property:

    33 o 2' 3.2"
    117 o 0' 41.7"
33 o 2' 6.8"
117 o 0' 42.7"
8 Bob and Jeanen Monteleone

18114 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064


20120304 09:05
  • They have beeen living here for 25 years
  • They posses important materiasl about the historical background of the water issues in the area
  • They have 3 wells in the property
  • One well was hand dug. It is 70 ft deep, and 5 ft in diameter. This well has a gravel pat. It produces water sparingly. This well is not connected to others.
  • In 1974 another well was frilled and lost.It has a 10" pipe.This well is cemented by now
  • Third well is dry as well.It was used for 20-yrs (1974-1990's). Used to give 80 gal/min, and it was 210 ft deep
  • The hand dug well is the only well working. Other wells are drey, and they are about 200 ft deep
  • Melone was using a lot of water for irrigation of his trees (avocado)
  • Ramona reservouir was filled woth water, and the cracks on the bottom were grouted (to hold the water)
  • The above mentioned events caused the drop in griund water level of 1ft/day in the 1990's
  • There is apperently a high salt content in the water. Melone doesn't want to use it. He gets his water fromt he reservouir, and he has a golf course and a lake on his property
  • Monteleones have the city water. They use it for their house.
  • They also have ocasional water from the small hand dug well, which they use solely for irrigation
  • They have a box of historical data about daily water use
  • They drilled a new well, but they didn't get any water
  • There has no been any analysis of the water. But they say that the water is good. They don't have any filters.
  • There was a scary situation in the region. A few years ago there were two people who dies from the brain cnacer at the same month
  • They have a 10.000 gal tank to hold the well water for domestic use
  • They payed ~10K for the city water
  • Riparian info: Creek used to flow 6 months of the year at least; not anymore; many oaks has died after the creek went dry
  • They atribute it due to Ramona Reservouir construction and Melone's excessive pumping
  • There is 2 the amount of rain here, but trees were lost
  • Water Rights in CA: whover sucks the most water- has a right
  • People who own Maderas used to plan to build condos here
  • They don't want Maderas to go bankrupt, but they don't them to drain the neighborhood
  • They steal the groundwater waters. Several trees (oaks) died after the golf course drilled more wells
  • Riparian vegetation was hit hard in recent years by: droughts, fire, and groundwater usage
  • Pam has a box of photos and papers of good/related information
  • They like the golf course, and they frequently go to eat in their restaurant
  • Dry well coordinates:
    33 o 2' 24.0"
    117 o 0' 54.1"
  • The main fracture is @ 205 ft deep
Old hand dug well:

33 o 2' 25.9"
117 o 0' 52.4"
9 Lary and Jody Osmus

18550 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064

(858)485-9457 (Bret- son)

20120304 11:00
  • They have been living here for ~21 years
  • They have one well. It was built when they bought the property
  • The well: 6" diameter; 580' deep; produces 50 gal/min; pump is @ 500'
  • Starting the 2010, the pump would ocasionaly stop, because there was no water to pump (pump shuts off when there is air only)
  • There were periods of stopping and going
  • It used to take 1/2 days to fill the 10.000 gal tank per day, now it takes 2/3 days
  • They don't have any fruit trees
  • They use city water for the house, and the well water for irrigation
  • When Maderas came, they brought the city water
  • They pay about 150$/bimonthly
  • They might have some information about the water taste (minerals)

33 o 2' 26.7"
117 o 0' 36.6"
10 Andrew and Ingrid Kytasky

18372 Deer Valley Road
Poway, CA 92064


20120305 09:00
  • His family bought this property in 1969
  • A=40ac (4 lots of 10ac)
  • They used to have many fruit trees. The fire burnet everythings, including the house
  • He has a well, and he has a connection to the city water
  • The well has been sketchy. He only uses city water now
  • They drilled the well in the property in the 1970: depth=120'; Q=6 gal/min
  • They expended the well by using dynamite
  • In the old days the static level was 10 ft; You could see the water in the well
  • The first house was supported solely on groundwater untill 1994.
  • He didn't need to deepen the well
  • He lost a pump after 30-yr of work.
  • 1996 everything went to hell, the water became sketchy
  • $15K/parcel of city water
  • $60K/4 parcels to supply the water line
  • He uses city water since 1996
  • Difference in taste is not significant, but it is better for the appliances
  • He has a 7" pipe
  • When the well works, he pupms the water to the tank, and stores it. He uses this water for irrigation.
  • This is not a deep well water
  • This water is collected from the surface, since he is situated in the ball
  • Befor they bought the property, the Thompson Creek was full of water
  • He pays $120/month for the city water
  • As soon as the golf course moved in, the problems started
  • There was no choice about the city water
  • He has solar power, and he doesn't pay any electricity. He gets some money back at the end of the year

33 o 2' 19.8"
117 o 0' 49.8"

elev. 183 m
11 Kay and Robin Bithell

18112 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064


20120305 10:00
  • His family bought this property in 1969
  • They bought the property in 1970
  • The well was drilled in 1972/73 it is 125 ft deep
  • They built the house in 1980
  • Originally the static level of the well was at the ground during wet season
  • In 2002 the City of Poway brought the water tot he neighborhood. There was a vote on that
  • By now, three or four years the well was sketchy
  • 10/12 gal/min was originally
  • There was a lot of minerals in water, and an iron bacteria
  • Because of bacteria things became red with time
  • In 1979 the well was redrilled till 310 ft
  • The pump was at 270 ft
  • It was producing @ 20 gal/min
  • 1987 it was very dry. And they had to stop irrigation, since they were running out of water
  • They had to use less water for irrigation until 2002 (when the city water was put)
  • They pay for water ~$40/month
  • For the last 2 months one pipe was frozen and broken they don't use well water anymore
  • They had 12 citrus trees. Now they have 4 trees. Fire distroyed almost all the landscaping
  • The well is 6" in diameter.
  • Their property is 2.5 acres
  • They want to repair the well, and use it for irrigation
  • They didn't sence the problem with water since Maderas mooved. But they know that other neighboors complain.
  • ~24 kW/month for well water. They pump very little
  • In 1979 it was a very wet year. One concrete slab near the pump was removed. Pump was cased to protect it from rust (it is made out of cast iron)

33 o 2' 18.4"
117 o 0' 54.4"
12 Jim Bried (M.D.)

14940 Oak Trail Court
Poway, CA 92064


20120305 12:00
  • He has been living here for 7 years
  • He relys 100% on well water
  • He doesn't want to connect to city water. He doesn't want to pay for it, since it is too expensive
  • The well depth is not known. The well produces 100 gal/min (he was told that, not sure). The well is 6"-6.5" in diameter
  • He always have water
  • He only has mechanical problems
  • The well was drilled 12 years ago
  • He uses softener for the tap water
  • He has 5,000 gal tank
  • No sediment in his water, and no iron
  • This water is good to drink and doesn't need any treatment
  • He is located ont he big feasure (he feels that it is here)
  • He is on the east end of the valley
  • There is a very small wash/creek on his property. It carries a lot of sediment and it is deep

33 o 2' 35.1"
117 o 0' 26.2"
13 Gary and Pam Breed

18108 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064

(858) 676-9900

20120317 09:00
  • Uses only groundwater
  • Does not have a hooup to city water; out of the question; wter meter is at 450 ft distance
  • The rado is an easement
  • has one well
  • has lived 6 years on the property; previouly owned (9 + 9 + 6 + 2 = 26 years)
  • Well drilled in 1997; depth 800 ft; pump at 560 ft
  • The bore hole is to 800 ft
  • water never failed
  • in a copule of ocassions recovered in the summer

33 o 02' 16.9"
117 o 01' 03.9"
elev. 227 m
14 Penny and Tom Tremble

18049 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064

(858) 603-0199

20120317 10:00
  • 1974 bought the property

    1975 drilled the well

    1977 started building the house

    1978 moved in the house
  • They nver have had an artesian well. Only one artesian well in the area in the 1980's
  • First well was 350' deep, and was bandoned since it had no water
  • Second well was drilled in the mid 80's. It had water Q=12 gal/min. The static level was 150'
  • In 1983 he put a swiming pool, and the well went dry.He brought water for the swiming pool from an outside source
  • He has replaced the pump about 4 or 5 times
  • Now he has a reservoiur for 17.000 gal
  • 1983-1984 he deepened the well.
  • He drilled the well till 500' nd stoped. There were no water. Next day he drill till 504' and there was water Q=60 gal/min
  • The well diameter is 5 5/8 "
  • It worked very well
  • In July 2007 the water tank was replaced, together with the well pump and the swiming pool pump
  • They connected to the city water in July 2007. City water is used in the house including the swiming pool, and the well water is used for the rest (irrigation)
  • Ground water is very high in calcium. He analyzed this water twice for the last 20 years
  • He used to have a lot of grass, but not anymore (since fire)
  • He redrilled his well, when it was producing only ~ 1-2 gal/min
  • He counts on the well water
  • House was burnet in October 2007. Since then, the bill for water is ~157$/bimonth
  • He has 2.5 acres
  • He doesn't have any avocado anymore, he didn't have enough water for them
  • Melone was pumping a lot of water from the ground, as well as Sycamore Creek water. He had about 12 wells in the ;ate 80's early 90's
  • Melone got water from Ramona reservouir. This water is clean, and the well water was salty.
  • Now Melpne doesn't use groundwater. He claims that he only pumps ocasionally to keep the equipment running
  • Sycamore Creek has been dry since the Ramona Reservoir was built
  • When Melone was pumping heavily, in 2 weeks the well water was going down (level dropped significantly)
  • Fire burnet a lot of his trees, and now he doesn't use a lot of water. He is not the biggest user of water in the region anymore
  • Now the biggest water user in the valley is Maderas Golfclub
  • There is ~ 78 lots in Heritage (~6 are empty) in old development
  • There is about ~40 lots in the new development
  • Membership of Maderas is less then 50 people
  • All the Hertigae houses have the city water, but some of them have well in addition (~25 houses)
  • There is ~ 60 well in the region (Maderas, Old Coach, Heritage)
  • Fred Lawrence in Heritage has a well. It was 800' deep, and went dry, he drilled a new well 1200' and it produces very little water
  • Wehn Maderas tested the wells, in Meyer's sink bubbles appeared
  • House where Jessica Owens live is original. They a hand dug well ~18' deep. It went dry
  • Homesteader had a lot of olive trees. Now some of them are in Kennedy's property
  • In the late 1970's or early 1980's you could see water in the Old Coach test well(~20' deep)
  • At the end of the year wehn the Thompson Creek was flowing the test well static level would rise ~20ft

33 o 02' 03.3"
117 o 01' 02.4"
elev. 227 m
15 Alice and Morris Spier

18107 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064

(858) 487-7578

20120317 09:00
  • They have been living there since May 1985
  • The well was already there
  • The original well was redrilled ~200-300 ft. It was done only ones in 2007
  • The original well was: 520' D=6.5" ~1980 August
  • They got connections to city water, after fires in 2007. It was about ~$60K for the connection
  • They use city water for the house, and well water for irrigation.
  • The deepened well was 815' in 2010
  • They pay ~$130/bimonthly
  • Prior to city water, they drunk the well water, they filtered it. It was a very hard water
  • 2.2 acres is the size of their property
  • They have 5 trees (papaya, lemon)
  • The squirrels eat the tree roots. Use green apple forpoisoning the animals
  • They became consern of the lack of water in the past few years
  • They started seriously worring about the water
  • They had a 7,500 gal tank. Now they have 2,500 gal only. They don't need a lot of water
  • Their house was burnet a little bit. Rebuild: decking, pumps, irrigation pipes, and a septic tank. The water tank was burnet a little bit too
  • They connected to the city water because they were worried about the possibility of water meter limits in the area
  • We might talk to these people (they can be helpful):

    Jeff and Chris Mangum. Their house was burnet. They are envolved in the city politics. His wife's father might know a lot because he lived with them

    Bridgwater. Their house was burnet too. The husband died. She lives in Rancho Bernardo
  • Send video on the tragedy of the commons to Dr. Spier

33 o 02' 03.0"
117 o 00' 54.1"
elev. 245 m
16 Paul and Cindy Kassel

18750 Deer Valley Estates
Poway, CA 92064

(858) 967-4545

20120317 14:05
  • He rebuilt the house. He moved in March 2011
  • The other house was burnet. He lived in it for 9 years, since 2003
  • The house has only one well, and it is original
  • Baesball player Howard Jhonson built the house, and had a well @ 250' deep
  • He feels that he need to deepen the well
  • His water has a lot of iron
  • He had 2 reports on the water quality ( 5 months apart). We can see how the trend changes
  • The water here tastes dirty
  • He has only groundwater
  • He doesn't have a city connection
  • He has to pay 100,000$ for the city connection
  • He is scared. The water is red, and he has 3 filter systems!
  • The situation got worse with years
  • He has 2 tanks: 10,000 gal (for fire system)
  • He has 2 fruit trees
  • 41.7 acres; 60% is unusable
  • The wel is 12 years old
  • He is loosing one tree per month. There is no water in Thompson Creek
  • June 2010-March 2012 he lost 1.5 trees/month
  • He had to cut 14 trees (from 2010)
  • He also lost a lot of trees in the fire.
  • Indicatiopn-if tree leeves are yellow, the tree will die
  • He uses the wood to fire the house
  • He had ~100 cords of wood. He uses ~1 cord/week
  • They warm up the house every day. They used to buy wood, not anymore
  • 3 yards=1 cord
  • He haued out four (4) 40'x8'x8' containers of wood (in Feb 2008)
  • He didn't see any oal boar.
  • Trees died to the fire and also due to fungus.
  • He doesn't measure his well. He doesn't have problems with pumping. He has a steady draft of water.
  • Water is dissapearing from this area. His pumps sucks a lot of sediment/dirt. Quantaty is very scarse.
  • Water looks yellow. House system circulate constantly and it settles a little bit.
  • The water is really bad
  • He wants to install the fourth filter system
  • He already has a reverse osmosis in the house
  • EWSWATER.COM is the manufacturer's of his filter system website
  • These gusy want to satisfy him.
  • He will send us the info about the water and the filters
  • City wants people to use more groundwater, because they want to cut down the usage of surface water. CA wants to conserve the surface water
  • He has a windmill 200-300$/month (generates electricity)
  • Also, he has solar panels for water heating. He pays 1,000$/month for electricity

33 o 02' 29"
117 o 00' 07.6"
elev. 247 m
17 Chris Rowe

18101 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064

(858) 385-9411

20120322 08:00
  • Well Test on Old Coach road is on his property
  • He doesn't live on the property for 2 years. He lives two blocks into the Heritage
  • He has a wel in the Heritage
  • The house is in Escrow
  • Has 2 wells. The old well is abandoned
  • He doesn't have a tank.
  • He doesn't know the depth of the well. Maybe ~600 ft
  • He drinks the water, and it tastes fien.
  • He has some mechanica problems
  • He has never run out of water

33 o 02' 16.2"
117 o 01' 02.4"
elev. 216 m
18 Judy Purvis

18118 Old Coach Road
Poway, CA 92064

(858) 485-5322

20120322 09:00
  • She has been living in the property for 37 years
  • She moved here when there were only 4 residents (1975)
  • She has three wells. They were rebuilt.
  • She is the second owner. Old coach Finanial owned 300 acres
  • In 1996 she got the third well. It is the only operational now
  • The well os 300 ft deep. Just lowered the pump, @ 350 ft now
  • She uses the city water for the house, and ground water for irrigation
  • She pays 54 dollars bimonthly for water
  • the well water was hard from the begginnning, she always used a commercial softener
  • The level was @ 160 ft on 3/20/1996

33 o 02' 12.9"
117 o 00' 56.9"
depth 400 ft
19 Gary Sabin

18540 Wild Horse Creek
Poway, CA 92064

(858) 487-4377

20120403 08:00
  • lived in poway since 1985
  • well drilled to 1000 ft in 2010
  • two wells, 1 well 6" to 55 ft
  • one tank burned down
  • house did not burn
  • 5000 gallon X 2
  • 12000 gallon X 2
  • first well on creek bed
  • second well by guest house
  • first well 30 gpm
  • second well 5 gpm
  • brought in city water by 2005
  • paid to connect city water
  • water for pool from well
  • $1500 bimonthly city water bill
  • the wells may be reaching their limit

o not taken
20 Pam and Tom Moore

18555 Wild Horse Creek
Poway, CA 92064

(858) 967-1198

20120410 09:30

  • 1 well, about 650 ft.

  • always had water

N 33 02 30.8

W 117 00 32.5

Elev. 225 m

120406 12:00