Thompson Creek Groundwater Sustainability Study
Outline of Report [111105]
Victor M. Ponce
- Introduction
- Thompson Canyon
- The Maderas Golf Club
- Surface water
- Drainage areas
- Water balance relations
- Groundwater
- Hydrogeology
- Groundwater pumping
- History of pumping
- Pumping effects
- Evapotranspiration
- Definitions
- Mean annual precipitation
- Evapotranspiration of the natural ecosystem
- Evapotranspiration of the artificial ecosystem
- Hydroecology
- Riparian health in Thompson Canyon
- Riparian health in Sycamore Canyon
- Salinity balance
- The quality of groundwaters
- The need for drainage
- The case of Maderas Golf Club
- Sustainable yield
- Safe yield of groundwater
- Sustainable yield
- Sustainable socioeconomic yield
- The Tragedy of the Commons
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Conclusions
- Recommendations