Thompson Creek Groundwater Sustainability Study

Outline of Report [111105]

Victor M. Ponce


  1. Introduction

    1. Thompson Canyon

    2. The Maderas Golf Club

  2. Surface water

    1. Drainage areas

    2. Water balance relations

  3. Groundwater

    1. Hydrogeology

    2. Groundwater pumping

    3. History of pumping

    4. Pumping effects

  4. Evapotranspiration

    1. Definitions

    2. Mean annual precipitation

    3. Evapotranspiration of the natural ecosystem

    4. Evapotranspiration of the artificial ecosystem

  5. Hydroecology

    1. Riparian health in Thompson Canyon

    2. Riparian health in Sycamore Canyon

  6. Salinity balance

    1. The quality of groundwaters

    2. The need for drainage

    3. The case of Maderas Golf Club

  7. Sustainable yield

    1. Safe yield of groundwater

    2. Sustainable yield

    3. Sustainable socioeconomic yield

    4. The Tragedy of the Commons

  8. Conclusions and recommendations

    1. Conclusions

    2. Recommendations