Name | Make | Size | Date | Content | Description | Status |
AAA4TRED | Seagate | 4TB | 2019- 2020 |
89 videos | 800mm, ageofimpermanence, cascadeandconvolution, creager, effectofformfriction, fordbridge... | OK |
BBB1TBLUE | Seagate | 1TB | 2019 | 13 movies | sonofthebride, theflightofthephoenix, danzon, labocadellobo... | OK |
CCC4TGRAY | Seagate | 4TB | 2019- 2020 |
45 movies | sonofthebride, theflightofthephoenix, danzon, labocadellobo, xicadasilva, laciudadylosperros... | OK |
DDD1TBLACK | Seagate | 1TB | 2019- 2020 |
20 movies | irmaladouce, romancingthestone, themerrywidow, byebyebrazil... | OK |
EEE1TRED | Seagate | 1TB | 2020 | 12 movies | macario, afishcalledwanda, wingchun, salonmexico, fitzcarraldo... | OK |
FFF8TWHITE | Seagate | 8TB | 2019 | *** | *** | unreadable, damaged? |
GGG8TWHITE | Seagate | 8TB | 2019 | 46 videos | andeshyleancraton, canalestable2, cholula3, chowfroudevedernikov, controlrollwaves, conventomalinalco, criticalshearstressvelocity... | OK |
HHH4TB | Seagate | 4TB | 2021 | Backup of AAA4TRED | Backup | OK (slow) |
HHH4TBb | Seagate | 4TB | 2021 | Backup of AAA4TRED | Backup | OK |
III4TB | Seagate | 4TB | 2021 | backup of AAA4TBRED | Backup | OK (slow) |
JJJ4TB | Seagate | 4TB | 2020- 2021 |
55 videos | bestoftghebest, chinese201102, coittower, curvadecaidadelod... | OK |
KKK4TB | Seagate | 4TB | 2020- 2021 |
55 videos (copy of JJJ4TB) | same as JJJ4TB | OK |
LLL2TB | Seagate | 2TB | 2021 | 21 videos (Cantinflas1) | elbomberoatomico, caballeroalamedida, elportero, entregainmediata... | OK |
MMM2TB | Seagate | 2TB | 2021 | 21 videos (Cantinflas2) | lostresmosqueteros, elsenordoctor, elbarrendero, elministroyyo... | OK |
NNN4TB | Trascend | 4TB | 2021 | 57 videos [full] | balancedenutrientes, basilicachignahuapan, bestofthebest, bestofthebestwater, casahumboldt... | OK |
OOO4TB | Seagate | 4TB | 2021 | 57 videos [full] | balancedenutrientes, basilicachignahuapan, bestofthebest, bestofthebestwater, casahumboldt... | OK |
PPP1TB | Seagate | 1TB | free | free | free | OK |
QQQ1TB | Seagate | 1 TB | 2021 | 32 movies (Antonio Aguilar) | lamuertedepanchovilla, zapataenchinameca, emilianozapata, simonblanco, valentindelasioerra, elojodevidrio... | OK |
RRR1TB | Trascend | 1 TB | 2021 | 55 videos (Luis Aguilar/Piporro) | escuelaparasolteras, elhijodelgallero... | OK |
SSS1TB | Trascend | 1 TB | 2021 | 55 videos (Luis Aguilar/Piporro) [space] | escuelaparasolteras, elhijodelgallero... | OK |
TTT4TB | Seagate | 4TB | 2021 | current 2.72TB free | Now used | OK |
UUU4TB | Seagate | 2TG | 2021 | Available | temporary use | OK |
VVV4TB | Trascend | 4TB | 2021+ | Virtual classes Fall2021, Jana computer, best photos | Mirror of YYY, 1.22 TB left 211203 |
OK |
WWW4TB | Seagate | 4TB | 2021+ | Current 2021 | Mirror of XXX, 300 Gb left 211031 |
OK |
XXX4TB | Trascend | 4TB | 2021+ | Current 2021 | Mirror of WWW, 300 Gb left 211031 |
OK |
YYY4TB | Trascend | 4TB | 2021+ | Virtual classes Fall2021, Jana computer, best photos | Mirror of VVV, 1.22 TB left 211203 |
OK |
ZZZ4TB | Seagate | 4TB | 2021 | 42 videos (Cantinflas) | All Cantinflas movies | OK |
211203 08:00 |