a. A topic is identified as the theme of a webvideo.
a. When to do the filming?
b. Where to do the filming?
c. How to get to the location?
d. How long will the filming last?
e. Who forms part of the filming party?
f. Where is the funding going to come from?
g. Ready equiment: camera, fully charged; tapes; tripod, if necessary.
a. Find out more about the subject. b. What to include in the video?
c. Outline draft of script.
d. Outline video sequence.
e. Identify suitable narrator.
f. Instruct narrator about video shooting plan and suitable techniques.
a. Select images. b. Prepare tables. c. Write equations.
a. Guides. b. Weather problems. c. Access problems. d. In Vlab, turn off computers. e. Disconnect phone line.
a. Download video to development workstation.
b. Edit video with Final Cut Pro in the lab. c. Drop images to Final Cut Pro. d. Select clips to include.
a. Select final portions of script.
a. Some still images (jpg) may be appropriate. b. Some graphs may be appropriate to make a point.
a. Animation at head and/or trail of video.
a. Music score should match theme.
a. Select transitions between clips. b. Render video. c. Design head (title). d. Design trail (credits).
a. Produce mov file with Final Cut Pro.
a. Use
Xilisoft software to convert mov file to flv file.
a. Use Squeeze software to compress raw flv file to 1Mbps, 768Kbps, and 512Kbps.
a. Post flv file to media server(s).
b. Post appropriate html files in public_html directory of primary data server.
c. Propagate to mirror data server(s).
a. Testing with web browser to correct imperfections.
a. Post to Youtube if appropriate.
b. Create html file for Youtube browsing.