Table Y.   Design discharges for dam at La Calzada [Preliminary 080410].
Hydrograph Flood discharge
Hydrograph volume
24-hr storm depth
Storm volume
Principal spillway hydrograph 1 4,108 90 119 108 83
Emergency spillway hydrograph 2 4,799 114 146 132 86
Freeboard hydrograph 3 6,503 182 222 201 91
1 The principal spillway hydrograph (PSH) is used to determine: (a) the capacity of the principal spillway, (b) the emergency spillway crest elevation, and (c) the volume of retarding pool storage.
2 The emergency spillway hydrograph (ESH) is used to determine: (a) the capacity of the emergency spillway, (b) the maximum design-pool elevation, and (c) the volume of surcharge storage.
3 The freeboard hydrograph (FBH) is used to set the minimum dam-crest elevation, i.e., to establish the amount of freeboard.