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Fig. 1   Headwaters of the La Leche basin, near Incahuasi.





APRIL 30, 2008

Dr. Victor M. Ponce

Hydrology Consultant


D'Leon Consulting Engineers, of Long Beach, California, hereafter referred to as DLCE, has a contract with the Regional Government of Lambayeque, Peru, hereafter RGL, to support the development of the La Leche River flood control project. The study aims to enhance flood control and water conservation in the basin of the La Leche river, which has suffered major floods caused by the El Niño meteorological phenomenon (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2   El Niño conditions along the Equatorial Pacific (Source: UC Santa Barbara).

The funding agency is the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (UST&DA). The local government agency in charge of the project is the Proyecto Especial Olmos-Tinajones, hereafter PEOT. Dr. Victor M. Ponce, hereafter the Consultant or VMP, has a subcontract with DLCE to perform the hydrologic component of the study.

This second report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the contract between VMP and DLCE. The report contains a description of the progress to date and a summary of preliminary findings.


The project encompasses the feasibility design of the structure [or structures] to control floods and store flood waters [for future use] in the La Leche river basin. Two damsites are currently being considered: (1) La Calzada, and (2) Calicantro (DEPOLTI, 1998). While La Calzada is an instream dam, Calicantro is an off-stream dam. The comparison between these alternatives is given in Table 1.

Table 1.   Comparison between damsite alternatives.
Capability Damsite alternative
La Calzada Calicantro La Calzada plus Calicantro
Flood control Very good Poor Very good
Water storage Fair Very good Very good
Service life Short Long Long

A dam only at La Calzada would go a long way to store the floods. However, in order to be effective for this purpose, most of the active storage would have to be retarding-pool storage (Fig. 9). Therefore, a dam at La Calzada cannot effectively serve the purpose of storage of flood waters for later use. In addition, a large instream reservoir such as that of La Calzada would have a tendency to store great quantities of sediment, decreasing the service life of the structure (preliminary estimates indicate that it may be less than 100 years).

A dam only at Calicantro would store great quantities of water for later use. However, it could not serve the purpose of effectively attenuating infrequent La Leche floods. Therefore, a dam at Calicantro will not solve the flood hazard in the La Leche river. A Calicantro dam would not be subject to deposition of great quantities of sediment, increasing the service life, provided the proper exclusion works are in place and are operated effectively.

The solution is to build two dams, one at La Calzada, primarily for flood control, and another at Calicantro, to store water for irrigation and other uses. An added feature of the two-dam strategy is that the useful life of the reservoirs, particularly the one at La Calzada, will be increased. The water will not stay too long in La Calzada, and it could be desilted prior to sending it to Calicantro for storage.

The dam at La Calzada requires a thorough appraisal of the flood hydrology, since it is a major dam located upstream of significant population centers and important infrastructure. The dam at Calicantro has a comparatively large volume and small drainage area; therefore, regional floods should not be a problem, assuring the safety of the dam against overtopping. The spillway would still need to be designed, and its capacity calculated.

The approach is to model the event rainfall-runoff process in the entire La Leche basin, from headwaters to La Calzada. This allows the calculation of flood hydrographs to determine the capacity of principal and emergency spillways, and the [minimum] elevation of the dam crest (freeboard). The principal spillway (PSH), emergency spillway (ESH), and freeboard hydrograph (FBH) are determined for La Calzada. Appropriate design hydrographs for Calicantro are also determined.


The basin of the La Leche river, from headwaters to La Calzada, has a drainage area of 907.36 km2. The basin is located in the western slopes of the Peruvian Andes. The largest town within the basin is Incahuasi, with close to 15,000 inhabitants, including the neighboring hamlets. The distance from Chiclayo, the closest major population center, to Incahuasi is about 180 km. The time of travel along a winding unpaved road is about 6 hours. Seasonal rainfall can make travel to and from Incahuasi hazardous and subject to delays.

The headwaters of the La Leche basin are at Cerro Choicopico, at an elevation of 4,230 m above mean sea level. The La Leche river has two major tributaries, the Moyan and Sangana rivers. The hydraulic length of the La Leche river [to La Calzada] along the Moyan tributary, is 44,397 m. The hydraulic length of the La Leche river along the Sangana tributary is 44,591 m. Channel slopes vary from as steep as 24% in Quebrada Cascabamba, to 1% near La Calzada. Mean velocities during flood events vary between 3 and 4 m/s. The time of concentration during flood events varies from 3 to 4 hr.

The basin has a mixed land use of woodlands, grasslands, and croplands. Average terrain slopes range from 20% to 50%, encouraging surface runoff. Steep slopes feature exposed rock and very little soil, which discourages infiltration (Fig. 3). Rainfall varies spatially within the basin; storms are more intense below elevations of 1500 m (toward the west) and less intense above 1500 m (toward the east). The climate is semiarid toward the west (near the coast), grading to subhumid toward the east (highlands).

There are three climatological stations within the basin's perimeter: (1) Puchaca, (2) Tocmoche, and (3) Incahuasi. Table 2 shows a comparison between these stations. The Puchaca station is at elevation 355 m; the Tocmoche station is at elevation 1,450 m; the Incahuasi station is at elevation 3,078 m. The wettest month in Puchaca is December; on the other hand, the wettest month in Tocmoche and Incahuasi is March. Puchaca has less annual rainfall but stronger storm intensities. Incahuasi has more annual rainfall but milder storm intensities. Tocmoche has annual rainfall and storm intensities intermediate between those of Puchaca and Incahuasi.

Fig. 3   Rock outcrops and agriculture on steep slopes of La Leche basin.
Table 2.   Comparison between climatological stations in the La Leche basin.
Feature Station
Puchaca Tocmoche Incahuasi
Location near La Calzada mid-basin headwaters
Elevation (m) 355 1,450 3,078
Wettest month December March March
Annual rainfall Low Medium High
Storm intensity High Medium Low

The storm record has been compiled from 1963 to 1998 (36 years). [Efforts are currently underway to obtain the remainder of the storm record, from 1999 to 2007 (9 years)]. The maximum recorded 24-hr storm in Puchaca is 150.2 mm; in Tocmoche it is 100.4 mm; in Incahuasi, 81.0 mm. Storms are of greater intense in the vicinity of Puchaca and less intense near Incahuasi, with Tocmoche lying somewhere in the middle.


There is a need to determine flood discharges from 100-yr to 10,000-yr return periods. The only streamgaging station, at Puchaca, has records going back to 1956 (52 years) (Fig. 4). The maximum flood discharge recorded at Puchaca is 579.75 m3/s. Geomorphological evidence suggests that long-term flood discharges at La Calzada may have exceeded this value. The great alluvial plains of the La Leche river could not have been formed without the occurrence of great floods.

For design purposes, when the required return period (in this case, 10,000 years) greatly exceeds the record length (52 years), it is recommended that the analysis shift to flood determinations based on rainfall-runoff modeling. The latter is preferred because it shifts the burden of proof to the precipitation part of the hydrologic cycle, for which there is more data records and less variability. Also, rainfall-runoff modeling is able to examine "what if" situations, both with regard to storm patterns (amounts and intensity) and natural vs developed soil/cover complexes.

In the case of the La Leche basin, maximum design flood discharges are expected under a suitable combination of the following conditions:

  1. Rainfall depth:   An El Niño event, likely to recur every 12 to 15 years on the average;

  2. Rainfall coverage:  A general storm, covering the entire drainage area; and

  3. Rainfall sequence:  A major storm following in the heels of another storm, resulting in wet antecedent moisture.

The chosen strategy is to model the flood discharges of the La Leche basin using the deterministic/conceptual rainfall-runoff model RAINFLO©. Event precipitation for 100-yr and 10,000-yr return periods is calculated using the statistical techniques of Log Pearson III and Gumbel. These events are input to the model to calculate flood discharges for the chosen return periods and design criteria.


RAINFLO© is a deterministic/conceptual, distributed, event-driven, rainfall-runoff computational model developed for specific application to flood flows (Ponce et al., 1985). The model calculates peak flood hydrographs when presented with suitable storm precipitation and related soil and physiographic characteristics of the basin.

The model is deterministic because the stream channel routing component is calculated with the Muskingum-Cunge method, which simulates the diffusion wave model (Ponce and Simons, 1977; Ponce and Yevjevich, 1979). In this method, the time of travel K is based on Seddon's law (Seddon, 1900). Moreover, the weighting factor X is based on Hayami's hydraulic diffusivity and on Cunge's numerical diffusion coefficient (Hayami, 1951; Cunge, 1969). This methodology provides two distinct advantages:

  1. The routing parameters are based on hydraulic properties of the basin, including unit-width discharge, bottom slope, and cross-sectional characteristics, rather than on hydrologic measurements; and

  2. The calculation is independent of the chosen grid specification, within proper limits.

The first advantage enables accurate stream channel routing, whether the streams are gaged or not, and for the full range of all possible flood flows. The second advantage implies that the calculation is consistent with the governing differential equations, since one result is repeatedly obtained regardless of the grid specification.

The model is conceptual because the hydrologic abstraction component is calculated with the NRCS runoff curve number method, which simulates the conceptual filling of the soil reservoir (Ponce, 1996). Unlike the classical Hortonian approach, which features infinite infiltration, in the NRCS method infiltration depth approaches asymptotically a constant value (the potential maximum retention S) as the storm increases in size (Horton, 1933; Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1985b). Experience with the curve number method indicates that it is best suited for infiltration modeling under event [storm] conditions. Its wide applicability is attributed to its distinct conceptual basis, although reasonable care is necessary in order to use the method effectively.

The model is distributed because it is able to calculate flood flows, as they vary in space and time throughout the basin, at any point in the stream network where an upland subbasin collects its drainage, or where two reach subbasins join together (Fig. 5). The number of locations where results can be obtained depends on the basin subdivision. Typical values for the number of subbasins varies from 10 to 100, with the data needs increasing as the number of subbasins increases (Ponce et al., 1985; Ponce et al., 2005).

Fig. 4  Gaging station, Rio La Leche at Puchaca.

Fig. 5   Cerro Lajas de Tongon, near the confluence of the Moyan and Sangana rivers, La Leche basin.

The model is event-driven because it simulates flood flows in situations where direct runoff constitutes the majority of the runoff, i.e., where baseflow is small and does not appreciably contribute to the flood peak. Unlike continuous modeling, event-driven modeling does not require long-term [error-prone] moisture accounting. Thus, results of event-driven flood simulations are consequent with typical variations in parameter ranges. Moreover, the model's unique generalized topological structure enables it to consider a dendritic basin of any order. Flood hydrographs are seamlessly calculated and expressed at any desired point along the stream network.

The model is a rainfall-runoff model because it seeks, through a suitable transform, to convert effective rainfall (mm) into runoff (m3/s). The transform is accomplished by convoluting the NRCS unit hydrograph with the effective storm pattern, to obtain the flood hydrograph at each subbasin outlet (Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1985b). The applicability of the NRCS unit hydrograph for midsize basins, i.e, those with drainage areas ranging from 1 to 1000 km2 [such as those of the La Leche river] has been thoroughly documented (Ponce, 1989).

The model is computational because its discretizes the governing equations of mass and momentum conservation in the space-time domain by using a suitable numerical scheme. The latter is subject to stability and convergence requirements. Stability refers to the ability of the scheme to march in time without generating unbounded error growth. Convergence refers to the ability of the scheme to reproduce the terms of the differential equation with sufficient accuracy. The differential equations are expressed in finite difference form, by using space and time intervals Δx and Δt, respectively. The numerical properties of the model depend on the proper choice of spatial and temporal resolution. As such, the Courant law is seen to govern, not only the stability but also the convergence of numerical schemes of hyperbolic systems of partial differential equations.

In summary, the RAINFLO© model is based on more than fifty years of research on hydrologic processes, including abstraction (with the runoff curve number), rainfall-runoff transform (with the NRCS unit hydrograph), and stream channel routing (with the Muskingum-Cunge method). The combination of deterministic/conceptual methods of relevant hydrologic processes renders the model particularly attractive.


The data needs are the following:

  1. Basin topology

  2. Subbasin geometric properties

  3. Average terrain slopes

  4. Storm precipitation

  5. Hydrologic soil groups

  6. Manning's n roughness coefficients

  7. Stream channel cross sections

6.1   Basin topology

The La Leche basin, from headwaters to La Calzada, is divided into nine (9) upland subbasins and seventeen (17) reach subbasins, for a total of twenty-six (26) subbasins (Fig. 6). Runoff in the subbasins can be local or imported. Local runoff originates within each subbasin and it is calculated by convolution of the unit hydrograph. Imported runoff originates upstream of a reach subbasin and it is routed through the reach using the Muskingum-Cunge method. Upland subbasins are numbered consecutively [from 1 to 9] in order of increasing neighboring reach subbasin. Reach subbasins are numbered, from upstream to downstream, using a 5-digit order-branch-reach topological number (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6   Topology of the La Leche basin.

6.2   Subbasin properties

The subbasin geometric properties are obtained from 1:100,000 scale topographic maps (IGN Incahuasi and Jayanca sheets) (Fig. 7). Geographic features are shown in Table 3. Drainage areas are delineated following the peaks and saddles of the topography. Hydraulic lengths and channel slopes are obtained from the maps. Hydrologic properties are shown in Table 4.

The drainage areas vary from a low of 708 ha (Quebrada del Verde) to a high of 8,815 ha (Rio Moyan 3), with an average of 3,490 ha. The total drainage area for the La Leche river at La Calzada is 90,736 ha, or 907.36 km2. The hydraulic length of the Moyan/La Leche river, from headwaters to proposed damsite is 44,397 m. The hydraulic length of the Sangana/La Leche river is 44,591 m. The average channel slope varies from a high of 0.24 for Quebrada Cascabamba (upland subbasin 6), to a low of 0.01 for Rio La Leche 2, immediately upstream of La Calzada (reach subbasin 30106).

Fig. 7   The La Leche basin, showing stream network in red and subbasin boundaries in purple.

6.3   Terrain slopes

The terrain slopes across the La Leche basin were sampled on a 1-km2 grid. Average terrain slopes are shown in Table 5. Average terrain slopes vary from a low of 19.7% in Quebrada Tembladera to a high of 50.3% in Rio Sangana 2, with an average of 33.7% for the entire La Leche basin [to La Calzada] (Fig. 8).

6.4   Storm precipitation

The storm precipitation is defined in terms of depth, duration, type, and frequency. The hydraulic length in the La Leche basin is approximately 44,600 m. Given the high roughness present in most of the stream channels, mean velocities during flood events average 3 to 4 m/s (Fig. 14). Therefore, the time of concentration varies between 3 to 4 hr. Following established hydrologic practice, the chosen design storm duration is 24 hr (Ponce, 1989). NRCS 24-hr type storms contain the shorter storms, from 0.5 hr to 12 hr.

To choose a suitable type storm, the climatology and geographic features of the La Leche basin are compared with the four regions in the United States for which design type storms have been developed. The Type I storm, applicable to Southern and Central Coastal California, an arid/semiarid region in close proximity to the Pacific Ocean but with significant orographic features, is judged to best resemble local/regional conditions in the La Leche basin.

In the case of the La Leche basin, for which generalized Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) is not available, it is common practice to substitute the 10,000-yr return period for the PMP. Therefore, design storm precipitation for large dams in the La Leche basin is as follows (Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1985a; Ponce, 1989):

  • For the principal spillway hydrograph:

    Ppsh = P100

  • For the emergency spillway hydrograph:

    Pesh = P100 + 0.26 (P10,000 - P100)

    Pesh = 0.74 P100 + 0.26 P10,000

  • For the freeboard hydrograph:

    Pfbh = P10,000

The principal spillway hydrograph is used to determine: (1) the capacity of the principal spillway, (2) the emergency spillway crest elevation, and (3) the volume of retarding pool storage. The emergency spillway hydrograph is used to determine: (1) the capacity of the emergency spillway, (2) the maximum design pool elevation, and (3) the volume of surcharge storage. The freeboard hydrograph is used to determine the minimum dam crest elevation (freeboard), and to evaluate the structural integrity of the spillway system (Fig. 9).

Fig. 8   Typical slopes of the Moyan/La Leche basin.

Fig. 9   Definition sketch for reservoir storage volumes (Ponce, 1989).

The 24-hr annual maximum storm precipitation records for the Puchaca, Tocmoche, and Incahuasi stations, up to 1998, were obtained from Perez Becerra (2006). The ordered values are shown in Table 6. The existing record for the period 1999-2007 is being collected from SENAMHI.

6.5   Hydrologic soil groups

The hydrologic soil groups for the La Leche basin have been estimated by Consorcio Salzgitter-Lagesa (1984) as follows: D for the upper basin, and B for the middle and lower basin. Perez Becerra (2006) has estimated hydrologic soil groups as varying between B, C, and D, with three types of land uses: (1) impermeable soil or rock, (2) pasture, and (2) shrub. The average of 28 subbasins considered in the Perez Becerra study is CNII = 85.

Pending field verification, the hydrologic soil group for the entire La Leche basin is estimated as D (rock outcrops and clay soil). The predominant land use is mixed woodland/grassland and cropland (Fig. 10). The percent aerial coverage and hydrologic surface condition are estimated using Google Earth Pro© software. The CNII table values are given by Ponce (1989), among others.

Fig. 10   Mixed land use in the Moyan basin.

Table 7 shows aerial weighted CNII values. The values shown in the last column of this table were weighted with the respective subbasin drainage areas to obtain a basinwide CNII = 83 [shown in the last row of the last column]. This value is a little smaller than the average value of Perez Becerra (2006). Antecedent moisture condition AMCIII is assumed (Ponce, 1989); the corresponding basinwide CNIII = 93. The assumed hydrologic soil groups and hydrologic surface conditions remain to be verified in the field prior to the completion of this study.

6.6   Manning's n

Manning's n roughness coefficients are shown in Table 8 (Barnes, 1967). Observational and other evidence indicates that the tributaries of the La Leche river are able to move very large boulders, with some aproaching 1 m in diameter (Fig. 18). Inbank values of Manning's n for most reaches are taken as 0.075. Eight-point cross-sectional data is shown in Table 8 and Table 9.

6.7   Cross-sectional geometry

Data on typical cross sections is currently being collected. Pending field work in progress, typical cross sections were estimated for all reach subbasin stream channels using stream order and subbasin drainage areas, supported with field observations and experience. Estimated eight-point typical cross-sectional data is shown in Table 8 and Table 9.


Storm frequency modeling was accomplished using the Log Pearson III and Gumbel methods (U.S. Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data, 1983; Ponce, 1989). The values shown in Table 6 were used to calculate 100-yr and 10,000-yr 24-hr storms for the three stations: Puchaca, Tocmoche, and Incahuasi. These values are shown in Table 10, together with the adopted values, taken as the average of the two methods. Also shown in Table 10 are the applicable 24-storm precipitation for the principal spillway, emergency spillway, and freeboard hydrographs (Section 6.4).

The 100-yr and 10,000-yr design storm depth vs elevation data of Table 10 was taken as a reference set. For each subbasin, design storm precipitations were obtained by logarithmic interpolation, given the elevation of the subbasin's centroid. The design storm precipitations are shown in Table 11. Weighing the storm precipitations with the respective drainage areas leads to the basinwide storm precipitations shown in the last row of Table 11.


The design storms of Table 11 are used to drive the RAINFLO© model. The subbasin curve numbers are those shown in Table 7. Wet antecedent moisture condition (AMCIII) is assumed. The rainfall-runoff transform [NRCS unit hydrograph] is performed using the data of Table 4 and Table 5. Average velocities [along hydraulic lengths] are estimated in the range 3-4 m/s. The frictional and cross-sectional data is shown in Table 8 and Table 9.

The model was run for a period of 48 hr using a time interval of 7.5 minutes (0.125 hr). To assure the accuracy of the routing method, the Courant numbers were verified to be in the range 0.5 ≤ C ≤ 2.0 (Ponce and Theurer, 1982; Ponce, 1989). Design flood hydrographs are shown in Figs. 11, 12, and 13. A summary of design flood discharges is shown in Table 12.

Fig. 11   Principal spillway hydrograph at La Calzada.

Fig. 12   Emergency spillway hydrograph at La Calzada.

Fig. 13   Freeboard hydrograph at La Calzada.
Table 12.   Design flood discharges for dam at La Calzada.
Hydrograph Flood discharge
Hydrograph volume
24-hr storm depth
Storm volume
Principal spillway hydrograph 4,108 90 119 108 83
Emergency spillway hydrograph 4,799 114 146 132 86
Freeboard hydrograph 6,503 182 222 201 91


Work is in progress to complete the precipitation record for the three stations: Puchaca, Tocmoche, and Incahuasi. Work is also in progress to verify and complete the hydrologic soil group, hydrologic surface condition, and frictional and cross-sectional data.


An assessment was performed of design hydrographs for a proposed dam and reservoir at Calicantro. The basin delineation is shown in Fig. 13. The dam axis is located where there is an ancient wall, labeled "Muro" in Rinconada Calicantro (Fig. 13). The RAINFLO© model was used to calculate design discharges. Two subbasins were considered: an upland subbasin [1], upstream of La Tranca, and a reach subbasin [10101], in Rinconada Calicantro proper. The procedures were the same as those used for La Calzada (see Section 6).

The Calicantro data is shown in Table 13 (hydrologic properties), Table 14 (runoff curve numbers), Table 15 (Manning's n), Table 16 (cross-sectional data), and Table 17 (design storm precipitation). Preliminary design flood hydrographs are shown in Figs. 14, 15, and 16, pending field verification of soil and cross-sectional data. A summary of design flood discharges is shown in Table 18.

Fig. 13   Basin delineation for Calicantro dam.

Fig. 14   Principal spillway hydrograph at Calicantro.

Fig. 15   Emergency spillway hydrograph at Calicantro.

Fig. 16   Freeboard hydrograph at Calicantro.
Table 18.   Design flood discharges for dam at Calicantro.
Hydrograph Flood discharge
Hydrograph volume
24-hr storm depth
Storm volume
Principal spillway hydrograph 266 4.84 191.7 5.63 0.86
Emergency spillway hydrograph 373 6.43 246.4 7.24 0.89
Freeboard hydrograph 639 10.96 401.3 11.79 0.93


A deterministic/conceptual distributed rainfall-runoff model is used to calculate design flood discharges for a proposed instream dam in the La Leche river at La Calzada, in Lambayeque, Peru. Calculations for a proposed off-stream dam at a neighboring site at Calicantro are also performed (Section 10).

The model is driven by suitable frecuency-based 24-hr storms which take into account the precipitation record, including El Niño events (Fig. 1). These meteorological events, which recur every 12 to 15 years, produce unusually large amounts of precipitation. The resulting floods threaten the existing human settlement in the lower La Leche river basin. Geometric, hydrologic, soil, frictional, and cross-sectional data are assembled in suitable form to feed the computational model.

Peak flood discharge, hydrograph volume, storm volume, and percent runoff are calculated for principal spillway, emergency spillway, and freeboard design (Tables 12 and 18). These design hydrographs can be used to size the retarding-pool storage, the surcharge storage, and the freeboard (Fig. 9).


Barnes, H. A. 1967. Roughness characteristics of natural channels. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1849, Washington, D.C.

Consorcio Salzgitter-Lagesa, 1984. Rehabilitación y reconstrucción de los sistemas de riego y drenaje del valle Chancay-Lambayeque: Estudio de evacuación de avenidas extraordinarias a nivel de factibilidad técnica. Tomo 1: Resumen e investigaciones básicas, marzo.

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DEPOLTI (Dirección Ejecutiva del Proyecto Especial Olmos-Tinajones), 1998. Actualización de la factibilidad tecnico-económica del embalse en el Río La Leche, Chiclayo, Peru, 339 p.

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Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1985a. Earth dams and reservoirs. Technical Release No. 60 (TR-60), revised October.

Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1985b. National Engineering Handbook, Section No. 4 - Hydrology, Washington, D.C.

Perez Becerra, M. A., 2006. Estudio hidrológico e hidráulico en el río La Leche: Generación de las descargas y niveles máximos por avenidas en la zona del proyecto "Puente Colgante Pítipo." Proyecto Especial Olmos-Tinajones, Gerencia de Desarrollo Tinajones, Mayo.

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U.S. Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data, 1983. Guidelines for determining flood flow frequency. Hydrology Subcommitee, Bulletin No. 17B, issued 1981, revised 1983, Reston, Virginia.

Fig. 18   The Moyan river, showing large-sized boulders on the streambed.

Table 1   Table 2    Table 3    Table 4    Table 5    Table 6    Table 7    Table 8    Table 9    Table 10    Table 11    Table 12    Table 13    Table 14    Table 15    Table 16    Table 17    Table 18    Tables

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