Natural event videos in Dr. Victor Miguel Ponce's website, videos in hydraulics and hydrology, Victor Miguel Ponce


V300.  LEGACY VIDEOS  [091124]
Click on icon to show video


 Avalanche in Yungay, Peru, on May 31, 1970 

 Massive landslide 

Level   0 (Least technical)
Language  Spanish
Capture  Unknown
Editing  Unknown
Streaming  YouTube™icon
Running time  9:43
Posting date  090401


 Comparison of traditional flood routing techniques
 with the unsteady flow equations 

  Dr. V. M. Ponce Lecture at the Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, California,
  June 2, 1987

 Flood routing 

Level   2 (Most technical)
Language  English
Capture  USACE
Hydrologic Engineering
Editing  Visualab
Streaming  Ion icon
 Eon icon
Running time  69:05
Posting date  090813


 Other approximations to the complete equations 

  Dr. V. M. Ponce Lecture at the Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, California,
  June 2, 1987

 Flood routing 

Level   2 (Most technical)
Language  English
Capture  USACE
Hydrologic Engineering
Editing  Visualab
Streaming  Ion icon
 Eon icon
Running time  71:24
Posting date  090825

engineering engineering>