Global climate change refers to the accelerated warming of the world's climate over the past 50 to 60 years,
attributable to the
burning of fossil fuels. Since the dawn of the industrial age, developed human societies have been burning coal, natural gas, and
petroleum, ostensibly to power industry, urban development, and transportation. The excessive pumping of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
is threatening to upset the delicate balance of Nature.
More carbon is now entering the atmosphere that can be removed
through photosynthesis and other natural means.
The most widely recognized indicator of global climate change is the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2)
measured at the Mauna Loa Observatory, in Hawaii. Figure 1 shows the complete record to date, which spans the period from March 1958 to July 2015.
The red curve shows the seasonal variations (the data corresponds to the
Northern Hemisphere), while the black curve shows the average annual trend.
This curve is referred to as the Keeling curve, in honor
of Charles David Keeling, who started the record (Ponce, 2011).
Fig. 1 Atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa, Hawaii.
It is clear from the record that the concentration of carbon dioxide,
which was around 318 ppm in 1958, has now [July 2015] reached
the threshold of
400 ppm, all-the-while showing a definitely upward trend (Fig. 1). These numbers show that the concentration of carbon dioxide
has increased about 26% in the past 57 years of record. Most scientists
believe that the rise in the Keeling curve is due to
the excessive burning of fossil fuels, which,
once in the atmosphere, tend to accumulate, since there is no natural way of returning to the Earth (in the quantities in which it is being burned).
In effect, the atmosphere is seen to be acting as a convenient dump for the excess carbon.
How does the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide affect global climate change?
In other words: How does an increase in
atmospheric CO2 produce global warming? To answer this question, we need to look at the constituents of the atmosphere:
(a) nitrogen (78%), (b) oxygen (21%),
(c) water vapor (0.4%), (d) carbon dioxide (0.04%, i.e., 400 ppm), and (e) smaller percentages of other gases.
While the constituents of the atmosphere are subject
to change in geologic time, they tend to be essentially constant when viewed
in the timescale of human interest, say 100 years.
The exception is carbon dioxide, which has increased about 26% in the past 57 years (Fig. 1).
In 1896, Svante Arrhenius published a paper
"On the influence of carbonic acid in the air upon
the temperature of the ground," where he
pionereed the science of global warming (Arrhenius, 1896).
He reasoned that the air retains heat in two ways:
By diffusion as the heat passes through the air, and
By selective absorption, since some atmospheric constituents absorb great quantities of heat.
Nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2), the atmosphere's primary constituents,
are homonuclear diatomic molecules, too tightly bound together to be able to absorb heat through vibration.
The selective absorption of heat is accomplished by carbon dioxide (CO2)
and water vapor (H2O), two non-diatomic molecules
which are present in the air in small quantities.
These two molecules consist of two elements and more than two atoms,
bound together loosely enough to be able to vibrate somewhat with the absorption of
infrared radiation (i.e., the heat coming from the ground) (Fig. 2).
Eventually, the vibrating molecule will emit the radiation
again and it will likely be absorbed by yet another molecule.
This absorption-emission-absorption cycle serves to keep
part of the heat near the Earth's surface, insulating the latter from the cold of outer space.
Other heat-absorbing non-diatomic compounds such as
methane (CH4)
and nitrous
oxide (N2O) are also present in the atmosphere,
albeit at much smaller concentrations.
Of the two more important non-diatomic constituents of the atmosphere, water vapor
(H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2),
only the later has a clear anthropogenic origin.
Water vapor varies in the atmosphere in largely unpredictable ways, with no discernible human
influence in the timescale of analysis (the past 60 years).
The selective absorption of heat through vibration by the non-diatomic components of the
atmosphere effectively means that these serve as a blanket to retain heat
near the Earth's ground surface, impeding its diffusion into stellar space.
Their concentration is an indication of the thickness of the blanket;
thus, a carbon dioxide concentration of 400 ppm ought to be about 26% more effective in
retaining heat than a concentration of 318 ppm.
That this is indeed the case is demonstrated by the record of global
land-ocean temperatures shown in Fig. 3.
This figure shows global surface temperature anomalies
(black squares) and their 5-year running means (red curve),
using a base period of 1950 to 1980.
The data indicates that global surface temperatures have increased about 0.6°C since 1960.
Thus, there is very good reason to believe that Fig. 2 is the cause and Fig. 3 the effect, and that the Earth's surface air temperatures are increasing. Since the burning of fossil fuels is the only process that can pump carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in such great quantities, it is readily seen how this activity, which has taken place in earnest in the past 50 years, may be regarded as the culprit. The effect that protracted global warming will have on the global hydrologic cycle, on the regional weather and climate, and on the world's icecaps and glaciers is now beginning to be examined. In this paper, we focus on the White Range of Peru, which features the largest concentration of glaciers in the tropics. It is clear that global warming is bound to significantly affect these glaciers.
The White Range of Peru
is located between 8°23' and 10°02' South Latitude,
encompassing more than 200 mountain peaks with elevations above
There are 722 glaciers in the White Range. As it is usual in the tropics, these glaciers are small in areal extent,
averaging 1 km2, with only 12 of them exceeding 5 km2.
Figure 4 shows the salient geographical features of the White Range.
This figure shows: (a) the outline of the basin of the Rio Santa (Santa River),
(b) the location of the snow-capped White Range along the eastern boundary,
and (c) the snow-free Black Range along the western boundary (Ames and Francou, 1995).
The following are noted :
Mountain peaks above 6,000 m elevation: Table 1 (a);
Cities in the vicinity;
Meteorological station at Querococha;
Broggi, Uruashraju, and Yanamarey; and
Lakes with risk of avalanche: Table 1 (b).
The effects of global climate change on the health of tropical glaciers is predictable.
There is and will continue to be glacier melt, which, depending on the extent of the recession,
may partially or totally compromise
glacier integrity. The glaciers of the White Range are large compared to other glaciers of the tropics
and, therefore, are likely to last longer. Smaller glaciers in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador
are either in frank recession or have already disappeared completely (Fig. 5) (Vuille, 2013).
Glacial lake outburst floods. The danger of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF) and avalanches remains a threat in the White Range, and very likely to be exacerbated by continuing global climate change. Table 6 documents the most important glacial lake outburst floods of the past 75 years. Carey (2010) has documented a total of twenty-nine (29) GLOFs since the year 1725, with the majority of them (26) occurring in the past century alone (since 1917). The cities affected have been Huaraz, Yungay, Caraz, Carhuaz, Huallanca, and Chavín de Huantar.
Global climate change, specifically anthropogenic global warming,
threathens to upset the delicate balance of Nature,
wherein the global climate is determined by the concentration of non-diatomic
gases in the atmosphere, among them, significantly, carbon dioxide (CO2).
The sustained warming of the past 50 years has produced a host of negative effects. In this paper we
highlight the effect that global warming has had on the tropical glaciers,
including melting, recession,
and their possible eventual disappearance. This places in jeopardy the continuance of a wide
array of natural services,
among them the supply of water resources, the conservation of flora and fauna,
the aesthetics of the natural landscape, and the societal activities of tourism,
mountaineering and alpinism.
We specifically focus on the White Range of Peru, a resource of global importance and
significant aesthetic value.
Life of all kinds stands to be negatively affected by protracted global warming
and the impairment of the White Range.
The following conclusions are drawn from this study:
The concentration of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere has reached 400 ppm at the present time Global average surface temperatures have increased
about 0.6°C in the past 50 years.
The rise in global surface temperatures has
negatively affected the tropical glaciers, causing a decrease in aerial coverage.
The changes have been gradual, but the rate of change appears to be increasing.
Average rates of glacier recession
over the period 1930-2009 have been measured at 0.62% yr-1, and over the period 1990-2009 at
0.81% yr-1.
A recent official study [2014] has documented that the loss of glacier area in the White Range
in the period 1970-2003 has been 27%.
Glacier melting
has caused an increase in the number of glacial lakes in the White Range.
The lakes have nearly doubled in number
over the past 60 years, from 223 at the time of the first inventory (1953), to more than 400 at the present time.
Continuing glacier melting poses a significant threat
of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF). The latter consist of water, snow, ice, and debris.
If not adequately controlled, these disastrous events will spell havoc
and destruction in the communities located directly in the path of the floods.
Urban relocation, although a sensible decision in the eyes of many,
remains politically difficult.
Many of these
devastating floods have
occurred in the White Range in the past 100 years Relevant scientific understanding, coupled with enlightened
interdisciplinary management, is necessary for the national government of Peru and its partners in the
international community to develop an effective
strategy to
cope with these threats. Sustainability being clearly out of the question, the aim
remains to mitigate/reduce
the effects of global warming within the next one to two generations.
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Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Unidad de Salvaguardias Ambientales, Nota Técnica # IDB - TN - 517, Marzo, 29 p.
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